10 diseases that need to send you with doctor rings to your doctor

10 diseases that need to send you with doctor rings to your doctor
10 diseases that need to send you with doctor rings to your doctor

The dog rewards you every day with his love, but it can also be a great responsibility. Growing a pet does not just mean walking through the park and good food, but involves ensuring a proper environment, a balanced diet and rigorous treatment in case of illness. Veterinarian Loredana Burlacu explains to CSID which are the conditions that can lead to complications if there are no timely treatments. Collapse This may be a symptom of internal bleeding, anaphylactic shock, poisoning, heart problems, liver or other organic diseases. Any of these should be sent to your veterinary office as a matter of urgency to intervene and administer the appropriate treatment. Lethargy It is defined as exhaustion or lack of energy and has certain physical manifestations, such as excessive sleep and delayed response to auditory and visual stimuli.

Lethargy can occur in countless situations, such as: dehydration, certain medications, anemia, cardiac or respiratory problems, traumas, gastrointestinal disorders, bacterial infections, viral infections, nutritional deficiencies, cancer. All these require specialized control and investigations such as: biochemical analysis, blood count, urine summary, uroculture, coproparasitology and coproculture exam, ultrasounds, radiographs etc. . Diarrhea These soft stools can be caused by a change in diet, a food intolerance, the ingestion of a foreign, toxic, hepatic and renal disease, intestinal inflammatory disease, intestinal parasites, a bacterial or viral infection or even . When to go to the cabinet? .

Abdominal distension, ascites and peritonitis Abdominal distension is a medical emergency, especially if it is accompanied by pain, weakness, lethargy, breathing difficulties, fever, tachycardia. One of the causes that may lead to abdominal distension may be the build-up of fluid (blood in case of internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity, urine when bladder tears appear. Another cause of abdominal distension is the increase in the volume of an organ, if we are experiencing a kidney or liver disease. Also, tumors can lead to abdominal distension, often accompanied by pain, discomfort and difficulty in breathing. It is very important to recognize abdominal distension, which may be a symptom of a disease that threatens the life of the quail.

Dermatological problems Skin disorders can result from parasitism (flea infestation, worms, etc. ), contact allergies, but may also indicate an internal disease. In the case of a flea infestation, external deworming is sufficient, if the animal is not allergic. If it does not disappear after pruning, it is advisable to call a veterinarian. If the pet has scarring, the skin lesions are more severe and can not be treated at home because the treatment is a lasting.

And viral diseases can cause skin problems. In Carre's disease, hyperkeratosis can occur in the nose and perineum. A generalized impetigo (bacterial infection). Infestation with rabies virus can cause the dog to lick excessively in the virus inoculation zone and thus ulcerations. Also, bacterial infections (Brucellosis, Erlichiasis) can cause cutaneous ulceration.

Otitis Otitis is a common affection of the auricular canal in the dog and accompanies inflammation, sore throat. Depending on the location, it may be external (at the level of the external auditory channel), mean (mean ear) and internal (inner ear). Symptoms that can send you to a specialist consultation: the dog shakes his head, scratches insistently, wounds or hematomas may be complicated. Causes of otitis are multiple: allergies to bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections. Lack of proper treatment can lead to complications: hearing loss, meningitis, etc.

. Polydipsia and polyuria Polydipsia is the contribution of an exaggerated amount of water. The amount of ingested water and urine production are controlled by complex mechanisms: kidneys, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The dysfunction of one of them can lead to severe disorders that have polydipsia and, automatically, polyuria. Polidipsia can be much more noticeable than polyuria.

The amount of water ingested by a dog should not be greater than 80 ml / kg. The main causes of polydipsia and polyuria include fever, dehydration, infections, tumors, neurological problems, kidney failure, diabetes, liver failure, etc. . Regardless of the cause, establishing an appropriate treatment can make the difference between life and death. Fever Hyperthermia can be a problem when it's over 39.

2 degrees Celsius. Fever is a normal response of the body to the invasion of pathogens or can arise from posttraumatic stress. Exogenous hyperthermia can be triggered by a variety of substances, infectious agents, tissue inflammation or necrosis, antibiotics. Endogenous fever occurs in response to exogenous factors, specific proteins of the immune system. Overheating is caused by exposure to the animal at very high temperatures (when we leave the dog in the car in the summertime).

In such situations, animal cooling is urgently needed, overheating can lead to death in a very short time. Exercise Hyperthermia Body temperature can also increase slightly after exercise, and this is due to the heat produced by intense muscle activity. Even in this situation, the temperature should be reduced, especially in overweight dogs with respiratory problems, or in those who are not accustomed to an intense effort. Anorexia It is a concern for animal owners. It can be defined as a decrease in appetite, the causes being multiple.

Drugs that produce anorexia: antibiotics, antifungals, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, diuretics. Changing the environment can also lower your appetite. To determine the exact cause of anorexia, a general consultation should be performed, examination of the mouth, thorax, abdomen, etc. . , because it may appear secondary to chronic pain.

Orthopedic and neurological examination is also required. There are situations in which complementary examinations such as CT, radiographs, ultrasounds are required. Therapy must target the disease that has led to anorexia. Eye problems If you notice excessive eye discharge, palpation of the conjunctiva mucosa or redness, the impossibility of opening the eye, differences in pupil size, contact the veterinarian as soon as possible. Conjunctivitis is the main problem that occurs in the eye and can be detected after flushing .

Causes can be multiple, from a foreign body to bacterial and viral infections. Treatment prevents complications such as loss of vision. Cherry eye or inflammation of the lacrimal canal is another common condition. In this situation, surgery is performed and home treatment is administered. And other conditions, such as glaucoma, entropion, ectropion, cataracts, require a special attention to a visit to an ophthalmologist and appropriate treatment.

Treating them at home can lead to blindness or complications outside of the eye. .

Source : csid.ro

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