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(photo) Neon and ultra violet lights.

(photo) Neon and ultra violet lights.

American photographer Adriano Rodrigues takes photos using neon and ultra violet lights.He has discovered this technique in the last semester at college and has developed a unique method of expressing...

Hypersomnia - too much sleep goes wrong

Hypersomnia - too much sleep goes wrong

Primary hypersomnia is thought to be caused by problems in brain systems that control sleep and wakefulness.Secondary hypersomnia is the result of conditions that cause fatigue or sleep disturbances.For example,...

Muscle lesions - causes, symptoms and treatments

Muscle lesions - causes, symptoms and treatments

Muscle lesions are the result of trauma caused by a sudden contraction of a muscle or physical exercise at a rate that exceeds the ability of the restoring body.Doctor Omer...

(photo) Do not have luck or do not know what to do next?

(photo) Do not have luck or do not know what to do next?

There are some people who before doing something do not take into account the consequences that may follow.As a result, they are in dire situations.See below a series of photos...

(video) Enjoy watching! ANIME

(video) Enjoy watching! ANIME

Because it's raining outside and it's the right time to watch a cartoon with friends or family, the #diez team recommends productions that are worth watching.The list was...
The first sign of Alzheimer's disease

The first sign of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's remains a terrible disease for many people.It begins slowly, sometimes in silence, but eventually asks for the price.People in the final stage are unable to recognize their friends and...

Diseases that affect women, pregnant women and their consequences

Diseases that affect women, pregnant women and their consequences

Pregnancy is not always a happy moment.Suicide is the leading cause of death among pregnant women, according to a new study. Richard Silver. Also, the hope that pregnancy will be...

Hairs grown under the skin: causes, treatment, prevention

Hairs grown under the skin: causes, treatment, prevention

Hair fibers grown under the skin in the legs and in the intimate region is a common, troublesome and almost imminent problem when using traditional hair removal tools.Doctor Laurenţiu Vlădau,...

Changes in breasts that may indicate the presence of cancer

Changes in breasts that may indicate the presence of cancer

• Appearance of diffuse pain in the upper back, more precisely between shoulder blades.Moreover, certain cancerous tumors that develop in breast tissue can cause pain in the ribs, but also.•...

The relationship between emotions and our health

The relationship between emotions and our health

The main emotions that harm the body in the physical plane are: fear, lack of forgiveness, shame and insecurity.For example, fear will manifest in the stomach and kidneys, in.Tackling will...

How to have a stronger hair?

How to have a stronger hair?

Scientific studies show that loss of hair volume due to age is not related to alopecia but to thinning hair, a real challenge for both sexes.Hair symbolism is extremely strong.Hair...

Increased cholesterol: how do you keep it at normal levels?

Increased cholesterol: how do you keep it at normal levels?

Cholesterol is a type of fat produced largely by the liver but which can also be taken from eating.The role of cholesterol in the body is to maintain cellular integrity,...

Medicines prohibited during pregnancy

Medicines prohibited during pregnancy

it is a special period in a woman's life.Certain medicines have certain negative effects on the mother, the fetus or both.Article content\n ...
Ulcer trigger factors and gastritis

Ulcer trigger factors and gastritis

Environmental factors: • Excessive consumption • Smoking • Certain medicines: aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids • Inappropriate diet consisting of foods that stimulate gastric secretion such as coffee, chocolate, smoked products,...

Wormwood tea: lesser known benefits

Wormwood tea: lesser known benefits

Wormwood is one of the best teas in the world.For medicinal purposes, the entire plant is used.In the natural practice, since ancient times, the leaves and blooming peaks (July-September) are...

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