3 Cheats to be more productive

3 Cheats to be more productive
3 Cheats to be more productive

Being busy does not necessarily mean being productive. When you're busy, you spend lots of time doing things without succeeding in what you have to do. Here are three tricks that will help you become more productive and enjoy your free time. Indoor photo and home page: KieferPix, Shutterstock 1. Reward yourself for new habits Habit is something typical for human beings. When we perceive a certain experience as valuable or as a reward, we will continue to repeat it.

This may prove harmful in the long run in case of drinking alcohol or watching television. Or it can be a blessing in case of a positive habit. So, think of a new habit that you deserve to adopt. For example, practice five minutes of morning yoga and a reward you can offer. 2.

Do not be afraid to ask for help Some people succeed in everything. Are you wondering how, and especially, how do they have so much time? . We all have only 24 hours a day. But the way we use these 24 hours makes the difference between productive people and busy people. So schedule your time as if you set your budget.

Keep a journal of time. Write what you actually do one day and see how it compares to your intentions. There is a good chance you will discover that you have not done something extremely important. Identify the most important things and ask for help (or outsource) anything else. We all know that time is valuable, but are your actions consistent with this idea? .

Make time for your passion There is a reason why you are at the point where you are in your life. At first, we tend to make decisions based on our authentic desires and needs. As we get older and life becomes much more complicated, we start acting for reasons that in fact have nothing to do with our passions or who we really are. The pressure and financial needs, the fear of the ego, the fear of failure are some of these. However, it is important to make time for projects that make you happy.

Source : kudika.ro

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