30 characteristics of a spiritual healer

30 characteristics of a spiritual healer
30 characteristics of a spiritual healer

Each of us is born with a gift and has a certain life in life. Some of us have the ability to help people around us heal. These people are known as healers or shamans. In the accelerated process of evolution of mankind, they are often found through us and not necessarily in the Amazonian forests or isolated places. Who knows, maybe you are one of them. Perhaps you are one of those people through which the energy of the Universe flows more easily, which can consciously access it for your own good and for the other people.

It is said that each healer experiences his own healing before he can help others. If you recognize the 30 features below, it is a great chance that your purpose in this life is to help people heal: 1. You are extremely sensitive to the energies around you. You are foaming empathic and feel the emotions and physical symptoms of other people as if yours3. You are intuitive and can read others quickly.

4. You have a broad perspective on things. 5. At one point, you were depressed6. You felt that you did not fit anywhere for most of your life.

Think differently than most people8. You feel overwhelmed when you're in public. In the past, you panic with ease10. You bring peace of mind wherever you are. 11.

You are a trustworthy confidante12. You suffer from chakra disorders such as digestive problems, lower back pain and weight gain. 13. You feel exhausted when you spend too much time with people. 14.

I attract animals, children and other sensitive beings. 15. You take on the emotional baggage of other people. .

Source : kudika.ro

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