4 products that get rid of your wrinkles

4 products that get rid of your wrinkles
4 products that get rid of your wrinkles

It's morning in which fatigue is read on your face. You have deep creases, slightly swollen eyelids, bags and wrinkles around your eyes. Luckily, the anti-barber, the correction pencil, or the enlightener that fades away your imperfections, and conceals, as if by charm, all of those listed above. It is important to find a product with a lighter tone than that of the foundation, to be a liquid texture (not too creamy that it can enter the fine folds of the wrinkles and can accentuate it, or you do not want it). Apply it by lightly taping on the cheeks (with your fingers or with the special sponge) and, if necessary, on the upper eyelid, until it goes well into the skin to blur the eyes and give brightness to the eyes. .

Source : csid.ro

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