4 signs that you have to rethink your emotional boundaries

4 signs that you have to rethink your emotional boundaries
4 signs that you have to rethink your emotional boundaries

The desire to connect and form an intimate relationship with another person is natural, but so is the desire to protect us (physically and emotionally). From a psychological point of view, both desires are equally important, and healthy people find a balance between their need for connection and their need for protection. They choose the middle way, allowing them to be vulnerable in ways that favor privacy but keep a form of protection that prevents abuses. In other words, they set some \. How do you know if your emotional boundaries are healthy and effective? . You feel used by the people in your life If you want to know if your borders are too relaxed, the simplest test is to ask yourself, \.

2. Your life is an open book for everyone, all the time Some people share too much, too fast, about themselves and about their lives, and they do that with almost everyone they meet. It usually indicates a desperate desire to have a real emotional connection. This attitude has the opposite effect, generating rejection from emotionally healthy people. Often, profiteers and manipulators are willing to interfere and fill the emotional void and only to be used by an emotionally vulnerable person.

Source : kudika.ro

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