4 ways in which music can help you heal your soul

4 ways in which music can help you heal your soul
4 ways in which music can help you heal your soul

photo: Sergey Nivens, ShutterstockAs a less good mood or your body gives signs of fatigue? . The ancient peoples knew the magical power of the sounds and used it to reach elevated states of consciousness and healing. Pythagoras wrote in antiquity about the song of the astrologers and about the fact that there is a celestial music of the spheres. About the skin of our body was said to be like a huge ear, extremely receptive to every sound around it. Often these sounds create noise and chaos that aggresses us subtly. But it depends on us to use sounds and music for our benefit.

Here are four ways in which music can be of use to you and you probably have not thought of. Use music to balance your energy body Each musical note corresponds to color and vibration as each chakra corresponds to a certain sound. For example, if you want to energize your root chakra, dance on rhythmic music. Any illness is a result of the energy imbalance in the body, the lack of harmony between physical, mental, spiritual bodies. Music can eliminate this imbalance.

Or, on the contrary, it can get worse, Be careful, therefore, what kind of music you listen to. Music can help you make the best decisions When you make a decision, listen to a relaxing music to help you calm your mind and connect you to the wisdom of your heart and intuition. Music can help you healSe say that any music is good for healing provided it is connected to the music of nature. When singing a symphony orchestra, angels descend from heaven to listen. Music puts your brains on the jobSong in the shower or in the car is not a simple innocent pleasure.

Your brain is grateful every time you dare to do that. The Egyptians believed that the human body is a singing instrument. In him, everything is song and harmony. Everything becomes music when it is trained as to its essence, which is in harmony with the wonderful song of universal creation. .

Source : kudika.ro

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