5 conditions that can cause sweating during the night

5 conditions that can cause sweating during the night
5 conditions that can cause sweating during the night

More and more people complain that they are sweating excessively at night. This sneezing can normally occur if you wear a too thick pajamas, the bedroom is overheated or you have a hot bath. However, it may also announce a condition you have, but it has not been diagnosed. Night sweats can be based on many causes. To find out, a doctor needs to receive a detailed medical history and ask for some tests. Thus, he will discover the medical condition responsible for that Here's what diseases or conditions can cause night sweats! .

This is a common cause for more and more women. Officially, one can say that a woman is at menopause when menstruation is missing for 12 months. Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis The body produces too much sweating without any identifiable medical cause. This affection occurs at any age and affects both men and women. Besides the recommendations given by the dermatologist, the help of a psychologist can be welcomed.

The cause will also lead to exact treatment setting. Infections Tuberculosis is the infection commonly associated with night sweats. Also, bacterial infections such as endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valve), osteomyelitis (bloating) and abscesses can cause night sweats. Night snoring can also trigger an infection with HIV. Cancers Nocturnal sweating can predict cancer.

The most common type of cancer that can make you sleep at night is lymphoma - it starts in the lymph system and is the most common type of blood cancer. However, people who have undiagnosed cancer have other symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss and fever. Medicines And some pills, such as antidepressants, can cause these sweats. 22% of people taking antidepressants are at night. Other medications given by the psychiatrist are also associated with this symptom.

Medications recommended for the reduction of fever, such as aspirin and paracetamol, can cause sweating. Hypoglycaemia Blood sugar lowering may cause sweating. Individuals who take insulin or take diabetes pills may present hypoglycemia at night, which is accompanied by that particular urge. Hormonal disorders Sweating and reddening of the face may indicate several hormonal disorders, including pheochromocytoma and hyperthyroidism. Thyroid hormones have effects throughout the body.

Therefore, patients may have numerous symptoms: palpitations, tremors, frequent stools, itching in certain areas of the body, etc. . Neurological disorders Uncommon, neurological disorders including autonomic disreflexia, siringomyelia (spinal cord cysts occurring in people aged 20-40), stroke and autonomic neuropathy can cause sweating. .

Source : csid.ro

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