The days spent at the edge of the sea, the vogue dresses, the long walks on the beach are the things that make you really love the summer and so distract you from all the other issues that threaten your natural beauty. Beauty problems can be caused by swimming pool chlorine that affects your hair or the time spent in the sun rays too long. Fortunately, all of this is easy to solve. Andreea Haş, make-up artist, introduces you a small survival guide to make a good break for the summer season! . Sunburns Certainly you will feel the need to immediately make a cold shower, your skin being very hot, but the first thing you should do is to hydrate your skin very well. The sun strongly removes all the water in the body, and the skin becomes very dry and rough.
Products specially designed to be applied after the beach, cool and moisturize, and the skin exposed to the sun reverts to its velvety and elastic, 2. Dry feet It's great to feel your free legs, but even wearing sandals and slippers for a long time can have negative effects. The skin of the heels becomes very hot and dry, but this problem can be remedied quickly if you use a special moisturizing cream. 3. Rebellious hair The sun can damage as much hair as it gets dry and degrades.
Therefore, get used to investing in hair care products with SPF every summer. Soon you will notice that hair begins to dry and become dehydrated, and in the long run it can grow even prematurely, 4. Chlorine Affecting Hair Spending many days at the pool, you take the risk of increased hair fragility. To close your hair cuticles and absorb less chlorine, but also to minimize the risk, it is advisable to rinse your hair before entering the water. The moment you get home, the first thing you have to do is to immediately wash your hair and use a regeneration mask to render it brilliant and resilient.
5. Face and Body Acne Sweating and excess sebum creates the ideal environment for acne and can irritate it, so the shower is indicated whenever you have the opportunity. Choose a shower gel that specifically treats this problem, especially if you have inflamed baskets. Also, to reduce sweating it is recommended to wear cotton clothes and not synthetic materials! . Excessive bronze is not healthy for acne.
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