5 symptoms that you suffer from cervical disc herniation

5 symptoms that you suffer from cervical disc herniation
5 symptoms that you suffer from cervical disc herniation

Office work in the same position and lack of sports activities are the main reasons why more and more people are struggling with cervical disc herniation nowadays. In the opinion of Turkish surgeon Cenk Ermol, the frequency of cervical pain is higher in people who work and a large amount of work can be one of the factors that influence cervical pain, but not all pain is caused by a cervical disc hernia. We are often confronted with patients who blame this, especially people working in the office, in a bent position all day. The other common cause is micro traumatic lesions that affect the cervical area, Symptoms of cervical disc herniation Extending cervical pain to the arm and hand, the existence of a numbness of these, all of these may be symptoms of compression of a nerve; . The movements become more painful for the patient because the neck muscles are permanently contracted and stiffening occurs, muscle spasm. In such situations we recommend analgesic treatment and muscle relaxants.

Normalizing neck movement in the shortest possible time will prevent chronic pain. Dr. . Cenk Ermol thinks it is important not to associate any pain with cervical disc herniation. In the case of herniated disc, the pressure exerted on the nerve root will lead to numbness of the arm and the hand and sometimes to a weakness thereof.

Pain in the arm (associated with nerve root compression) may be accompanied by numbness and lack of strength. Most of the time, the pain of the arm is known to be severe. How long does herniation work? In the first phase, analgesics, muscle relaxants and rest are recommended. Nowadays, herniated disc surgery has a very good result due to new tests and microsurgical methods. After surgery, which takes about an hour, the patient notices that the severe pain of the arm, which dramatically affected his quality of life, disappeared.

The next day he is discharged and in a few weeks he can resume his normal life. .

Source : csid.ro

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