5 tricks to protect your face against perspiration

5 tricks to protect your face against perspiration
5 tricks to protect your face against perspiration

Whether practicing yoga, aerobics or strength training, sweating is the order of the day and can affect your face. Here are five tricks that will help you counteract the unpleasant effects of perspiration in order to take full advantage of the beneficial effects of your efforts at the gym. 5 tricks that help you sweat Photo: Avesun, Shutterstock 1. Use natural skin care products A natural cleanser is the key to neutralizing the pH and cleans your skin. Most facial products filled with unknown chemicals, so using a natural skin care range can make the difference. Do not forget to clean your face in the morning and evening to avoid its loading and black spots.

2. Use ice and tea tree oil After you clean your face, pass over it an ice cube for one to two minutes. As with an inflated ankle, applying ice on the face reduces the inflammation that occurs during exercise. Make sure the water used is clean and contains no chemicals that could attack the skin. Use the filtered water and add a drop of oil over it before placing the ice cube tray in the freezer.

Oil will help clear the pores. 3. Use cold water with confidence Sometimes you do not have access to an ice cube tray - I know not! . Make sure you use clean and filtered water to avoid hidden substances found in tap water. .

Source : kudika.ro

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