6 symptoms that you should not ignore

6 symptoms that you should not ignore
6 symptoms that you should not ignore

Even if they can not hide anything serious behind them, certain symptoms must, however, be checked. If you are experiencing unexplained pain or numbing a part of your body, go to the doctor. Weakness in the arms and legs If you feel a numbness in your arm, foot or face, you have to worry, because it may be a sign of stroke, especially if it is on a part of the body. Also, if you can not keep your balance, you feel dizzy and have trouble walking, you might have suffered a stroke. Ask for help if you suddenly can not see well, have a headache, have speech or understanding problems. You can reduce the risk of disability resulting from a stroke if you get a drug in the first 4 hours after first symptom.

Chest pain When it comes to chest pain, it's better to be safe than to feel bad. Chest pain, which is accompanied by sweating, pressure, shortness of breath and nausea, should be immediately evaluated by a doctor. Chest pain and impaired pressure may be signs of a heart disease or may indicate a heart attack, especially if you feel it while doing an effort. Chest pain can also betray another problem that is unrelated to the heart. For example, you may have a blood clot that moves in the lungs.

If you feel your pipe hard for more than a few minutes, then the pressure disappears, but it does come back, do not hesitate, ask for help. Do not try to destroy yourself. Pain seen behind the lower leg Maybe a blood clot in your leg, that is, you may suffer from venous thrombosis. The illness can occur if you stayed for a long time in one place, you were flying, or the illness put you in bed for a long time. If there is a blood clot, you can feel the pain even if you sit or go.

The leg also begins to swell and becomes red. In general, it is normal to have a sensitivity after exercising. If the foot is red, it hurts and starts to cool, do not get around the doctor. Teitelbaum says you can also check what is called the Homans sign. It is important to get to the doctor before the blood clot breaks and blocks blood flow, which can lead to complications.

Blood in the urine May signal a serious condition. If you see that you urinate with blood and you also feel a back pain, you can have kidney stones. A stone is a small crystal of minerals and salts that form in the kidneys and move through the urine-carrying tube. An x-ray or an ultrasound can clarify the mystery. Kidney stones can pass through your body when you urinate, and the process can be extremely painful.

Sometimes the stones must be removed surgically. If you see blood in the urine and do frequent bathing or feel a burn, you may have an infection in the bladder or kidney. Do not wait anymore and go to a doctor, especially if you have a fever. If you see blood but feel no pain, it may be a sign of kidney or bladder cancer. Respiratory problems Breathing should be treated immediately.

If you hear a sound when you breathe, go to a doctor. It may be due to asthma, lung disease, severe allergy or exposure to chemicals. The doctor can figure out what causes this condition and how to treat it. If you have allergic asthma, an allergist will create a plan to manage and reduce episodes. Wheezing can also be caused by pneumonia or bronchitis.

Do you feel and expect yellow or green? . Suicidal Thoughts If you feel hopeless or think you have no reason to live, ask for help. Talk to a professional who can help you overcome the crisis. Go to a hospital or a psychiatric clinic. A doctor will advise you and help you overcome this condition.

Source : csid.ro

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