6 things the modern woman should never forget

6 things the modern woman should never forget
6 things the modern woman should never forget

The modern woman or There are, however, moments when the modern woman loses its brightness, and this is because of the daily stress it has to endure, routine, passivity or even depression. In the opinion of the psychologist Lenke Iuhos, these external factors, which are very damaging to the woman's mood, make her feel like something is wrong with her, she does not look beautiful, she does not feel satisfied with her, her clothes, . The modern woman has many questions, sets many goals and challenges, and is constantly running away from social validations. There are many young women who simply fall into depression if they do not meet a considerable number of Facebook likes on a photo. It is the most common example that shows that social validation has become the first element on a list of priorities. All this forced validation chase receives polite responses from men or even from women, because each affirmative answer hides in fact a hidden purpose.

Finally, women will be disappointed if they go on this strategy because they will hit a tough reality: no one validates you for free. Functional femininity is cultivated by your power, by your thoughts, by your attitude towards the signs coming around you. Many women are scared by the passing of time, believing they will lose their femininity and beauty. In fact, if it focuses beauty on attitude, power, education, the beauty of a woman will remain alive for life, At the same time, the specialist in couple relationship psychology recommends to all women to emphasize love, because love is transforming, to design life second, to do sports, to eat healthy and to be open to everything new. These are the six secrets of functional femininity: 1.

Know that you are one! . . . This is the first secret of your beauty, to use the thought that you are unique and have the quality, the beauty, your health, just yours. It helps you to be careful with you! 2.

Love yourself! . That is the only way we can have harmony with our body. Accept it, think positively about it, spoil it, give it to yourself with the clothes you wear, with a natural attitude. All this will give you a sense of psychic comfort. It helps you to be You, 3.

Work with you! . Everything must start daily from you, your thoughts not just remain an inner voice, give them life. Do you want to cook something good? . It helps you to be a living person, 4. Do sports, watch out for food! .

Do sports when you feel that something is not pleasant to you, so you will feel that you respect, motivate you to adopt a healthy lifestyle. By respecting, you will respect those around you. It helps you to be present in your present female, 5. Be careful what behavior you are approaching! . Here, self-knowledge makes the difference between the woman at home, at work and in society.

The woman who is happy with her, not just in words, she is happy, she has a balance without borders. It radiates quietness or energy full of femininity, then and where it should be. It helps you be selective with you! 6. Be open to new! . By opening up to the news, you are helping to avoid losing the optimal moment that can give you a productive idea, a job you dream of or the man you are looking for, .

Source : csid.ro

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