6 things you lose when you wake up spiritually

6 things you lose when you wake up spiritually
6 things you lose when you wake up spiritually

Those spirituality does not mean at all the renunciation of the joys of life but, on the contrary, the attainment of a state of freedom, happiness, abundance, love that we will never find with the help of the mind. It also means giving up some states and emotions that suck us from energy and prevent us from expressing our potential. Here are these: 1. Hate Usually you hate the others what you see part of yourself or what you want to see more in yourself. A spiritual awakening will put you in front of a mirror and help you see yourself as you are. Spiritual awakening will help you to replace hatred with compassion both with you and with others, with tolerance and forgiveness.

2. Jealousy Spirituality allows you to show your admiration to those who succeed and enjoy their success. Replaces jealousy with a sense of appreciation. When another person gets what you want, it's easy enough to feel envious even without your will. The truth is that we are all interconnected and that other people's success is yours too.

The achievements of others can motivate you to work harder. 3. AnxietyAnxiety is manifested as a result of living a life with which you are not connected. Hobbies, friends, your work and the way you spend time can contribute to this feeling of anxiety. Spirituality will help you connect to the true purpose and to what you are passionate about.

When you live your life as you wish, in your terms, connected to what is important to you, anxiety disappears. .

Source : kudika.ro

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