6 Ways to Enhance Your Creativity

6 Ways to Enhance Your Creativity
6 Ways to Enhance Your Creativity

photo: kanea, ShutterstockIn each of us there is a dose of chalk. The more we put it to work, in every aspect of our lives, the more each day becomes more exciting. Here are six ways to increase your creativity. 1. Run Run is an exercise that stimulates the whole body. In the brain there is a chemical called serotonin, which is the chemical form of happiness.

That gives you a good feeling. As you run, you look at things from a different perspective as you rise above them and see the big picture. Your mind generates solutions and ideas that only the runner can perceive. 2. Keep a journalAbout ten things, one alone is much better than the rest.

Over the course of a day, we think about 100 ideas out of which 10 can generate $ 1 million. Keep a notebook and write ideas, even the bad ones, because they are the catalyst for the best. 3. Walk on footPasses in nature stimulate your mind to think naturally, away from the fast-paced, lifestyle that the city produces. Movement, air, calm and nature improve your creativity and the quality of your thoughts.

4. Meditate Meditation is the healthiest way to improve your creativity. Daily meditation is routinely used especially if your mind is preoccupied with work. This is because when you meditate you balance your whole being and the thoughts that limit your creativity blur. photo: alphaspirit, Shutterstock5.

Get out of the comfort zone The state in the comfort zone gives you a feeling of calm and security, but it's as if you were in jail. Everything you want to achieve, including creativity, awaits you outside of your comfort zone. There you discover how wonderful life is, as well as endless possibilities and solutions to get what you want. 6. Listen to music Listening to the music you like is like a wonderful holiday for your mind.

Music is known to heal and improve mood. This is due to the fact that music sends vibrations and we are always looking for a vibrational frequency similar to the one we currently have. If you want to feel happier, listen to something that makes you happy. Music can talk to you in ways that no one can, so choose a music that opens your mind. An open mind is a place where creativity wants to stay.


Source : kudika.ro

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