7 symptoms specific to hemorrhoids, but can hide anal cancer

7 symptoms specific to hemorrhoids, but can hide anal cancer
7 symptoms specific to hemorrhoids, but can hide anal cancer

Anal cancer is not common, but the risk increases with aging and especially if you have an HPV infection. Nine out of ten cases of anal cancer are associated with HPV infection. Other risk factors in the development of anal cancer are smoking, poor immune system and the presence of genital warts. This type of cancer is often confused with a common condition, hemorrhoids, due to similar symptoms. Here are some symptoms of anal cancer, how to determine the diagnosis and what the treatment is about! . The main manifestations that can suggest anal cancer are: anal bleeding or feces with blood pain in the anal area nodules in the anus area anorexia in the anal area unusual secretions from the anus stool incontinence ulceration around the anus that can spread on the buttocks Many of these .

How to diagnose an anal cancer: recommended analysis If your doctor suspects that hemorrhoids are the cause of the symptoms listed above, he might recommend performing thorough tests. One of these, most importantly, is proctoscopy, an endoscopic procedure that allows visualization of the mucosa and the content of the rectum and sigmoid colon, that is, the terminal portion of the large intestine. Proctoscopy consists of inserting a long and thin instrument (proctoscope) into the anal canal and a fiber optic cable and video camera, allowing visualization of the rectum. The procedure lasts not longer than 5 minutes and is not painful, but only uncomfortable. The doctor may also recommend taking cells from the affected area for the biopsy.

Other analyzes are: rectal, anoscopy, endoanal or endorectal ultrasound. Treatment of anal cancer The main recommended treatment for anal cancer is radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy, but there are cases when surgery is needed. In rare situations, surgical removal of the anus and rectus and the creation of an artificial, temporary or definitive anus, a procedure called colostomy, are added, Newlands. Although it is a serious health problem, many people delay their visit to the doctor because of shame. However, this has to be overcome because, as the anal cancer is discovered earlier, the more chances it heals.

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