When it comes to children's wishes, everything has to happen That is why it is a real challenge to teach a child to put money aside, to analyze the best deals and to be trusted when he has money in his pocket. I challenged Carmen Iorgulescu, a psychologist, financial and entrepreneurial education trainer, KEN Academy coordinator (a place where she teaches children to use their ideas by organizing events where they can open stands where they sell their own works: from lemonade . As you talk about money and the importance of saving, it will begin to acquire its notions, understand what effective shopping means and make the difference between fad and necessity. In the long run, the benefits are huge: by naturally and progressively managing the money management rules, it will be able to mature without too much effort to know the value of money, to appreciate the work, to be efficient in managing the family budget . Here are some tips that will help the little one to be trusted, to save and even to earn: Buy your own little booze Bigger children have to have three pucks, one for each of the money functions: expense, saving, donation. Every time he earns money, he encourages the child to share the money in the three babies.
Teach him that it's normal to spend some, some to save, some to donate. It is crucial to show children that money can play different roles in everyday life, be it spending or saving for later. Pusculita, it must be just his own and in it to collect, in time, the money received from parents, from grandparents or from other sources. Thus, the child will develop his / her habit of making choices. Children of the mitite (up to 7 years of age) may have a single puppy.
They are primarily attracted to quantity, then to value. Try to change your banknotes as small as possible. Encourage him / her to set a saving target Help him / her set a target he / she saves. So everything will make sense to him, and he will help you, Father, to explain why you do not satisfy a lust Perhaps this is the most important If you do not have a goal, saving becomes boring, difficult and you can easily give up the temptation. It can also help to attach an image that symbolizes the Teach him the notion of deposit and interest.
If you keep them for 3 months, I will reward you with 2X The goal is not only to save, but also to learn to wait, stimulated by the prospect of winning just by refraining from spending. Nothing is more motivating to keep saving money for a certain purpose than to see how they multiply in time! . Whether I see a new princess in a TV commercial, a huge concrete mixer in the toy store, or a glitter tablet pouch, it's always Well, in such a situation, teach him two things: on the one hand, to reflect on whether what he sees really wants (unless he would rather like something else, if he does not have something like that . Once he managed to master his start to buy Offer Hunting This is a valuable lesson for any child. Of course, in the first phase, you have to do this for him.
Either online or directly in stores. You can subscribe to newsletters, watch periodically the websites that find the toys / books / accessories that interest the child, and hunt promotions in stores so that you can buy at the best possible price. Show your enthusiasm with the little one every time you make a good purchase and highlight how much money you saved because you did not buy at the highest price. Lesson Small Entrepreneur Teach the little one, very early, that he can make money by doing things. Do not fall into the trap of paying for what would normally come into his attributions, such as making his bed, walking the family dog, feeding the fish, etc.
. But encourage him / her to make small commissions for neighbors, relatives and friends (to the extent they are interested) to open a small store / store for his work (paintings, drawings, constructions, fresh lemonade, . Trust your baby! . Give him the freedom to make money choices and, above all, give him the freedom to make mistakes and take responsibility for his decisions. From them they learn better than any lesson you teach.
It's possible that his first budgets will evaporate on his first visit to the park, the banal plastic toys and the cotton wool on the stick. Nothing! . .
Source : csid.ro
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