8 dermatological conditions that can affect men

8 dermatological conditions that can affect men
8 dermatological conditions that can affect men

Even though in the past men did not attach much importance to their appearance, they have become more and more concerned over the past few years. Although there are small differences between men's and women's skin (men's skin is thicker than that of women), the basics of an effective care plan remain the same. First of all, it is essential that everyone, including men, identifies and understands the type of skin they have. What should men eat to protect their complexion? . These are just a few of the questions that Proca Ancuţa's dermatologist answered for CSID. Men with sensitive skin may feel uncomfortable (burning sensations, burning sensations) when they use products for normal skin, because they require special skin sensitive, irritable skin types.

Dry skin, with sputum, can be accompanied by itching or painful sensations. People with oily skin have a glossy face and are prone to acne and seborrheic dermatitis. Mixed skin is oily in the T area (forehead, nose and chin) and dry in the other areas. Normal skin usually does not have problems to tolerate certain products. Understanding the type of skin will help you select the right care products.

If you have fatty skin prone to acne, look for non-comedogenic cleansing and moisturizing products that will not clog your pores. If you have sensitive skin, use soft, non-perfumed or alcohol-based products because products containing these ingredients can cause irritation. Post-shave irritation occurs in some men after hair shaving in the shaved beard area and may be mild or severe depending on the type of skin. Shaving after showering and using a special product (gel or shaving foam) for this procedure is recommended. In the event of a rash (erythema, burning sensation), use a calming product.

If you are cutting off, apply a disinfectant and an antibiotic cream, then a healing product for healing. If your skin does not tolerate blade shaving, use an electric shaving machine that cuts hair short and does not damage the skin. If you suffer from acne or folliculitis, avoid cutting with the blade until healing the condition. Chronic sinusitis (bearded folliculitis) is a suppurative inflammation of the bearded follicles of the beard, and the etiological agents may be bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), fungi (candida, dermatophytes), viruses (herpes simplex, molluscum contagiosum), parasites (Demodex folliculorum). It is clinically manifested by the appearance of an erythema, with pustules, vesicles, crusts or umbilical papules, depending on the present etiologic agent.

acne. Hormones are the main cause of acne in adolescence, but in many men it can continue to mature. Often, it affects the patient's psyche and self-confidence, and from here to depression and anxiety is just one step. Causes of acne can be varied and difficult to identify: stress, chaotic lifestyle, inadequate diet and lack of sleep. The genetic factor, however, plays the most important role, some people having skin more prone to acne than others.

If you want to get rid of acne, consult a specialist who can recommend a series of treatments. Maintain a proper face care routine to prevent occurrences. A diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids (salmon, flax seed, nuts, etc. ) is recommended. .

) and antioxidants (green tea, black chocolate etc. ). Avoid milk, excess sweets and fats. Seborrheic dermatitis is also more common in males and is manifested by erythema and sputum, in areas where sebaceous glands have increased activity, in the scalp (dandruff), the face (between the eyebrows) in the naso-labial grooves and chest area . Rosacea is a centro-facial dermatological inflammatory disease.

It can be detected by redness (erythema), telangiectasia (dilated blood vessels), in some cases papulo-pustules and sebaceous gland hyperplasia (increased sebum secretion glands) in the face. It mainly affects men between 30 and 50 years of age and may get worse with age. There are medicines or laser therapies that can help relieve the condition, but rosacea patients should also be mindful of environmental factors that can exacerbate the disease, certain foods, ultraviolet radiation, and alcohol. It is also recommended to avoid the use of any care products containing alcohol. The mycelium of the foot, the tinea pedis or the athlete's foot, is manifested by the appearance of a erythema, cracks, scuame, white-yellow scabs, located between the toes and feet, accompanied by pruritus.

Favorable factors: rubber footwear; . ; . This type of fungal infection is transmitted either by direct or indirect contact from contaminated surfaces (floors, swimming pool, sauna) by the use of objects and clothing and footwear (towels or bed linen), objects used in . People predisposed to this type of infection are generally male, over 60 years of age, have problems with peripheral urgency, a poor immune system (HIV, diabetes or cancer) or are receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Factors that favor the spread of mycosis to the other nails and keep the infection: tight shoes or synthetic materials that lead to excessive sweating; .

Usually the lesions are solitary, but they can also be multiple. It is transmitted through shared wearing shoes, swimming pools, showerboards, gymnasiums, and the infection is favored by the existence of a solution of continuity (injuries) in the skin. Chaotic lifestyle and lack of sleep (working shifts) can cause the eyes to appear, but the genetic factor (constitutional les inherited from one of the parents) and allergies are the most common cases of scars. There are a number of steps you can take to improve the situation, from cold compressions, to using more sleeping pillows to avoid blood collection under the eyes. There is also a wide range of creams or serums you can try with ingredients like caffeine.

Arnica, green tea or grape oil that help strengthen the capillary walls have anti-inflammatory properties and improve drainage of eye fluids. Black chocolate and omega-3 fatty foods such as salmon and walnuts can improve blood flow to the skin. Generally, men do not use sunscreen creams during exposure to the sun. Therefore, they fight more often than women with sunburn and are less alert to the changes that may occur on their skin. They are less likely to attach importance to a modified mole or new lesion that may be a melanoma or basal cell or spinocellular carcinoma.

It is also noteworthy that men are less likely to see a doctor than women, although they should be aware of the need for a regular consultation. .

Source : csid.ro

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