Many of us like to think we are intelligent. Often, smarter than others. Others, in their turn, believe the same thing about them. Such an attitude causes problems in life, from disobedience to advice to trying to control the lives of It is also widely believed that the parameters of intelligence are academic, salary, or intelligence, writes Discover. Although they can provide clues about an individual's level of intelligence, it's not always the case - Bill Gates dropped out of school, and Einstein was corrupt; . Below are nine better hints that may suggest a level of intelligence closer to the real one.
Can you solve problems in real life? . No problem is the same as another, and life is often unpredictable. An intelligent person knows how to adapt to each situation and take the right measures and decisions. Do you know the right person for the right task? . However, an intelligent person is able to figure out who would be the right person to solve the problem.
How often do you achieve your goal? . Things are not so, otherwise Nietzsche's superman would have been a reality. Smart people know their limits, they know the areas where they excel and where they do not. Thus, he knows what to avoid and what to emphasize, so he fails less. And when he has a failure, the intelligent man is able to learn from his own mistakes.
Are you creative? . A man without creativity is like a machine that can efficiently execute certain functions for which it has been programmed but can not do more. An intelligent person is creative and does not make the same mistake twice. When Thomas Edison said I found 10. 000 methods that do not work 000 ways to do the same.
Can you synthesize knowledge? . In other words, intelligent people do not waste their time and energy with things they will never use, especially because they have the ability to learn from anyone. They have the ability to use the knowledge gained in any field. They see unity in diversity, as Einstein said, If you can use your knowledge of science in science and scientific theories in religion, you are smart. If you can not see the connections between seemingly different things, you can not be called intelligent.
Can you work with people smarter than you? . They may have poor memory or reduced analytical capacity. What they possess in the first place is an overview of the world and of each individual in the context of this world. Thus, when they encounter a smarter person than they (or more fit for a particular thing), they will not feel inferior, but will see an ally in the person in achieving the proposed goal. Read the sequel on Discover.
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