9 tips for skin care and cold in the cold season

9 tips for skin care and cold in the cold season
9 tips for skin care and cold in the cold season

The cold and rainy autumn days are the perfect opportunity to prepare your body and skin for winter and to adjust your beauty routine. Summer Bronze comes packed with dry skin and more noticeable wrinkles. If we add exposure to wind, humidity and temperature changes, it's no wonder that the skin is tighter, devoid of elasticity and dehydrated. Do you want to keep your skin lighter and wrinkle, as long as possible? . Nicoleta Ion, Trainer Repêchage Romania gives you some tips to help you get through the cold season: Experience regenerative facial treatments as often as possible for a firmer and brighter skin. Moisture constantly and consistently.

Opt for moisturizing sera and creams to ensure increased water content in tissues. Do not hesitate to peel your skin. The result? . The masks are a MUST. They maintain the effect of cleansing, moisturizing and deeply nourishing the complexion.

Do not forget the skin around your eyes! . If you keep the tea bags in the refrigerator for a few minutes before applying them to your eye area, you will get a rapid vasoconstrictor effect that helps wrinkle the wrinkles. Do not hesitate to use creams and serums specially created for delicate skin around your eyes. Once or twice a week, in the evening, after you have carefully cleared your eyes, you are using hyaluronic acid or retinol. Then, the usual care ritual continues.

Try to get to the cosmetic salon. Only a specialist can improve your care ritual and give you the best advice for your skin type. Facial massage is a real treasure and can successfully replace retinol. Give yourself a few minutes each evening for the massage and the look of your complexion will improve. Do not hesitate to apply natural freshening masks (honey, orange juice, yoghurt, cinnamon) or four-layer mask from Repêchage,.

Source : csid.ro

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