Amazing effects of garlic consumed on the empty stomach

Amazing effects of garlic consumed on the empty stomach
Amazing effects of garlic consumed on the empty stomach

• It is a genuine natural antibiotic. If it is consumed daily, it also prevents the flu. Garlic combats infections, fight against germs, releases sinuses and bronchi. Moreover, according to some research, one milligram of garlic has the same power as 25 units of penicillin. • Effectively against. Thus, streptococci that sometimes causes scarlatin, diphtheria, are destroyed by garlic.

In addition, garlic also contains rich sources of germanium and organic selenium, which are very good in preventing heart disease and many cancers. It is also indicated in the case of bronchitis, improves the circulation and functions of the heart, prevents cancer, helping the body to eliminate toxins. Prevents arterial disease and is effective against high blood pressure. In addition, garlic does not interact with the effect of drugs. Thus, there are studies showing that a garlic puppy consumed in the early morning diminishes the symptoms and regulates the circulation.

• Adjuvant against. This does not mean it can treat diabetes, but it has benefits over the body because it decreases, so diabetes can be easily monitored. • Stimulant of gastric juices. Garlic contributes to stimulating and enhancing blood flow through the liver. • If it is consumed on the empty stomach, it seems that garlic is beneficial against various cancers, but also against.

• Reduces the risk of oral cancer. A study in China showed that those who took garlic on the empty stomach twice a week reduced the risk of oral cancer by as much as 45%. • An excellent detoxifying body. Garlic appears to be very good for detoxifying the body, destroying parasites and intestinal worms and preventing diseases such as diabetes, and certain cancers. • Treat diarrhea.

In addition, lack of appetite and are diseases that garlic consumed on an empty stomach can treat. • Consumed regularly, it can cure stomach and intestinal diseases because allicin from garlic stimulates the walls of the stomach and intestines to digest digestive enzymes. In addition, garlic can be used in cataplasms or foot baths and hands to relieve stomach. Its penetrating powers are so great that it is absorbed directly through the skin. • It has a curative effect on chronic diseases of the upper respiratory organs, being a good cure for pharyngitis.

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