Are you suffering from scalp pains?

Are you suffering from scalp pains?
Are you suffering from scalp pains?

If you constantly scratch your head and have a sensitive scalp, it could be more than dandruff - a common problem facing over 70% of people. Unsuitable cosmetic products, poor hygiene and incorrect diet can affect hair and scalp health. However, before seeking the right solution, it is necessary to try to identify and correct the medical or nutritional problem that has caused this symptomatology, Dr. . HoraĊ£iu Albu, Master in Molecular Biology. Here are the most common causes, but also the treatment that helps eliminate them! .

The inflammatory response of the body causes the itching, scaling and accumulation of dead skin on the scalp, which results in discomfort. This problem can extend to the face or the body, so it is good to be treated appropriately by using more topical products, Psoriasis This is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes red or squamous plaques on the skin or on the scalp. It is not a transmissible disease, and dermatology experts still do not fully understand it, and it is not clear what causes this disorder, but it seems that alongside heredity, environmental factors as well as individual metabolic patterns. Microbial and fungal infections of the scalp Many pathogenic organisms find their scalp developmental environment. Dermatomycoses such as those of pityrosporum ovale and orbicular and staphylococci and streptococcus dermatitis can also be localized or expanded to the scalp, bringing in addition to their effects on health a lot of subjective suffering, nervousness, unpleasant hair appearance and decreased confidence.

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