Asthma, the disease with changeable faces.

Asthma, the disease with changeable faces.
Asthma, the disease with changeable faces.

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways and is manifested by a bronchial hyperreactivity. This facilitates the occurrence of recurrent episodes of cough, dyspnoea, anxiety, especially at night and in the morning. The condition can not be cured, but those diagnosed with asthma can lead a normal, active life if it follows a few simple rules. Asthma can cause wheezing, chest pain and cough. Although the condition can not be cured, it can be kept under control by reducing and preventing asthma attacks, also called episodes. Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children.

This is one of the reasons why the incidence is higher in this age group: 55% of children diagnosed with asthma at one time had an attack, compared to 49% of adults with the same affection. Symptoms that Tell Asthma Cough, Especially Night Wheezing Breathing Difficulties Breast Pain And Pressure Each diagnosed person feels differently this condition. It may not have these symptoms or be tried by some totally different. Those who suffer from this disease can have a low return and can be tried by a state of lethargy. Symptoms may also range from mild to severe, from one asthma attack to another.

Smoking risk factors: About half of new asthma cases occur in smokers; . There are also risk factors that can not be controlled Sex: women make asthma more often than men Family history of allergies or bronchial asthma: people with asthma have relatives who have the same affection or are allergic. According to the latest study of the European Society of Pneumology (ERS), one in five patients with severe asthma suffers a severe crisis every week so they can not ask for help. All this because patients still do not know that they can lead a normal life if they take their treatment and avoid the risk factors. Major features of asthma Obstruction of the airways.

During normal breathing, the muscles that surround the airway are relaxed and the air moves freely. People with bronchial asthma, substances that cause allergies and colds, respiratory viruses cause the muscles around the airways to get tighter and the air to get harder. The person has a choking feeling and the moving air causes a whistling sound. Fortunately, this narrowing of the airway is reversible, a feature that distinguishes asthma from other lung diseases, such as bronchitis or emphysema. inflammation.

People with bronchial asthma have red and inflamed bronchi. This inflammation leads to lung damage. Therefore, treating this inflammation is the key to managing asthma in the long run. Irritation of the airways. The respiratory tract of people with asthma is extremely sensitive.

They tend to react too much and narrow down at first contact with pollen, animal hair, dust or smoke. Asthma can occur at any age, although it is more common in people under the age of 40 years. If you suspect you are suffering from asthma, consult a doctor. It can send you to an asthma specialist known as an allergy or pneumologist. He can examine you and show you some tests.

Significant figures on asthma: The total annual cost of asthma in Europe was estimated at 19. 3 billion euros; . .

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