People are attracted to what they want, what they like to do, or what they are familiar with. When we know someone, we seek that person responds to our needs at that time of life. So compatibility is given by what attracts us to a particular person we encounter and with whom we can develop a relationship. That is why we say that we are compatible with someone, because that one responds to the needs we have at that time. When we start a new relationship there are those few common points that draw us to a particular person. That's the moment when we can say there is compatibility.
Common points help to build a relationship, they are basically the basis from which two people leave before they begin to build their love relationship, In addition, in the first phase of the relationship, when love is born, everything is smooth and beautiful. Everything seems to happen on its own, with no effort, and we have the impression that these euphoric feelings will last all my life. These common points tell us that there is potential in developing a relationship with that person. Later, the link must be constructed in such a way that the two people get to relate to them as a team, which they constantly feed on love, energy and time. How much does the first meeting matter? .
On the way to our evolution we meet people who are at the same level of evolution as ours, so the choice is rather unconscious, but natural, we should not make efforts in this sense. It is a stage that people need in order to continue the journey of personal evolution. I can not say they made a good or bad choice, no matter how the relationship will evolve. What actually happens is what helps them evolve at that time, When we meet another person, it is advisable to keep in mind what we feel at the first meeting. It is important to follow our intuition.
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Posted: 2018-03-17, 9284 views.
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