Ballet Diet: What do the dancers do to have a delicate silk?

Ballet Diet: What do the dancers do to have a delicate silk?
Ballet Diet: What do the dancers do to have a delicate silk?

Balerines are delicate, slim, tall and perfectly toned, so many people think they have a restrictive diet or hungry. An interview with a representative of the Canadian National Ballet, Amanda Murray, who deals with their diet, shows that ballerinas have a diet similar to that of a performance sportsman. Bald Diet includes Carbohydrates Ballerinals should consume consistent meals containing complex carbohydrates and carbs, as well as healthy snacks between meals to have energy. Bald Diet includes only whole foods The main rule to be respected is to predominantly consume whole foods and avoid all processed foods. The more their food is processed and concentrated on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, the more nutritious the nutrients provide the body with energy. Animal proteins are included in the diet of balers, but it is important to pay attention to the portions consumed, writes eva.

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