Bipolar disorder is hereditary?

Bipolar disorder is hereditary?
Bipolar disorder is hereditary?

The causes of this condition are not known. It is believed, however, that a certain chemical imbalance in the brain caused by some genetic defects would underlie this disease. Specifically, when the levels of certain substances become too high, the patient develops, and when the levels are very low, he experiences depression, but a hereditary factor plays an extremely important role. This disorder involves the succession of three affective states: • • Transition states, in which the affective disposition is stable • Mania or (the \. Bipolar disorder may have two main forms, called bipolar I (mania and depression are both pronounced) and bipolar II (mania is often moderate, and severe depression). Women are more often diagnosed with the second variant of the disease, easily mistaken for generalized depression.

Phase of Depressive SymptomsBy treatment, a person affected by bipolar disorder may experience intense depression. Symptoms include sadness, loss of energy and. Patients may lose interest in the activities they were doing before. They can also get fat or weak, sleep too much or too little, or they can. Phase of Manic Symptoms During a manic phase, patients tend to feel euphoric, which leads to an overly high self-esteem and to.

Unsolicited behaviors, including excessive spending, sexual indiscretions and substance abuse are common at this stage. Mixed Episodes People experiencing mixed episodes are experiencing mania and depression at the same time. This leads to unpredictable behavior and is more common among patients who have developed bipolar disorder at an early age, especially during adolescence. Statistical data shows that 70% of patients with this condition experience mixed episodes. An important step in diagnosing bipolar disorder is the exclusion of other factors that may cause mood swings.

Unfortunately, there was no laboratory test to identify bipolar disorder. Is the one who will diagnose. Most of the times the medication used consists in the administration of lithium carbonate, often together with other antidepressant combinations. A quiet lifestyle with much rest and physical activity can prevent the onset of episodes of disease. .

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