Blood donation and its health benefits

Blood donation and its health benefits
Blood donation and its health benefits

• There is an increase in the life span of blood donors. • People who donate blood regularly have a lower risk of stroke. • Blood donation increases immunity and resistance to trauma. • Donation is recommended, which does not follow a treatment for this condition. • After each donation, the blood in the body \. • People who donate blood twice a year have a lower rate and a lower mortality rate than those who do not donate blood, but there should be regular, not occasional donations.

• Blood donors lose about 650 calories per half a liter donated. • Other benefits that blood donation brings are related to the decrease in the amount of iron in the body. An increased level of iron in the blood can accelerate the process of cholesterol oxidation and lead in time to occur. It is recommended to avoid physical effort and after donation. It will supplement the consumption of liquids for 2-3 days after donation and the diet will be rich in animal protein: eggs, meat.

In one donation, 450 ml of blood is collected, a quantity considered safe and fast to recover in two weeks, up to a maximum of one month. People with the following diseases can not donate blood: cardiovascular, head trauma with sequelae, chronic etiology, epilepsy, chronic hepatitis, liver, pancreatitis, cancer, leukemia, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, asthma, severe allergy, . Even people who are physically retired are not allowed to donate. Blood donation is temporarily contraindicated for people who have been vaccinated two weeks prior to donation following certain dental treatments and who are chilled at donation or who have received antibiotic treatment six months prior to donation. Also, people with myopia with over -6 dioptres can not donate.

In order to be able to donate, the person must be between 18 and 60 years of age and fit in weight between 55 and 100 kg (women) and 60 and 110 kg (men). .

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