Can it be abstinence for the body?

Can it be abstinence for the body?
Can it be abstinence for the body?

Sex can have many benefits for the body. Intimate moments spent with partner support brain and heart health, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's are kept away, prostate cancer does not occur, breast cancer is diminished. Achieving a quality sex act means coping at least 10 minutes, intensity and rhythm, finalizing, helping you to stop having black thoughts. The levels of dopamine and serotonin rebalance, and the subject is happy, From an emotional point of view, abstaining women, if they can not find an artificial balance in a hobby that has physical implications, become irrational and domineering. A conversation with an abstinent woman is sometimes assimilated to an interview. Not all women realize that they are doing this, How can women and men go beyond this period? .

Here are just a few of them! . There will be readers who will think like this: what does Divinity have with sexuality? . Depending on the religion in which you are born and evolving, after baptism, sexuality is considered sinful or not. Subjects who have concerns about sexual manifestations will always be skeptical of what is good or not good to do and especially when and with whom to do, If abstinence is imposed, the psychologist is the one who finds the source of taxation, motivation, helps the subject to continue penance or not. Specialistull can not decide in place of what is good and what is not, but can support it in the direction of emotional balancing.

If abstinence arises from a negative event: rape, rape, harassment, sexual assault, in this case only with the psychologist the subject may return to normal sexual life. To get to understand what you want, what you like, how you like, you have to go through this stage, otherwise you will be surprised that you do not understand and feel nothing with your sex partner. Abstinence leads to emotional and cognitive changes. Only the inner structure of each subject in part determines the amplification or diminution of some segments within us. .

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