• Smoking • Laryngitis • Viral, bacterial infections • Laryngeal trauma • Neurological affections • Tumors • Tumors. • Dry throat • Voice becomes thicker • Voice tone decreases in intensity • In more serious cases it may be until the temporary loss of voice. • Laryngitis. Usually, hoarseness is a natural consequence of inflammation of the larynx, which is called. This occurs due to a viral infection such as a flu or a stronger cold. However, there are other possible causes of inflammation, such as bacterial infections, allergies, inhalation of chemicals that can irritate vocal chords.
In the case of small ones, hoarseness can also be caused by crying uncontrolled or blocking a foreign body in the trachea or in the esophagus. Consultation of a doctor becomes mandatory if the hoarseness does not disappear after one week of onset - in the case of children - and a maximum of two weeks in the case of adults. • Laryngeal cancer. Malignant tumors formed at the larynx often present as a hiccup symptom. is more common in men between the ages of 55 and 65 years.
Laryngeal cancer is very important to be diagnosed from the onset of surgery, when the larynx does not remove all the larynx but only a part of it. Therefore, a patient who is hurt for more than three weeks must present himself to the specialist for further investigation. • Polyps appear on vocal chords. The horn may be provoked by some appearing on the vocal chords or the development of some. Polyps on the vocal chords, that is, these small, non-cancers, can be removed by the endoscope, and in a few days the chords return to normal.
After this intervention, the patient will receive as anti-inflammatory medication. • Voice nodules. It does not always require surgery. They are treated by voice rest, with anti-inflammatory drugs. If the patient does not perform the voice rest and will be forced to talk, then there is a risk that the node will reappear and, as a consequence, become chronic, making it compulsory to remove it by surgical methods.
• Laryngeal TB. It's another condition that has a hoarse feeling. • Thyroid hormone deficiency. It characterizes what can be manifested by hoarseness. • Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Including gastric juice irritates the vocal chords, so it may have the symptoms of hoarseness, which occurs most of the time in the morning after the patient has been in an orthostatic position during the night, and the gastric juice has reached the laryngeal region. First, vocal rest is recommended, followed by specialized control and thorough investigation. Treatment involves prescribing anti-inflammatory, sometimes antibiotic, sedative, anxiolytic. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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