Causes leading to early menopause and infertility

Causes leading to early menopause and infertility
Causes leading to early menopause and infertility

Dangerous announcement from doctors: 30 years later, more and more Romanians have the ovarian reserve of a much older person and get early menopause. Smoking and untreated or ill-treated gynecological diseases are listed on the list of factors contributing to female infertility. Annually, hundreds of Romanian couples come to specialists in infertility because they can not fulfill a great desire: to become parents. After a year of unsuccessful attempts to get a pregnancy naturally, there are a series of investigations and treatments, the value of which can reach several thousand euros. Women over 35 years of age, increasingly affected by infertility Lately, we are witnessing the postponement of the concept, many women choose to build their career first and leave the task in second place. It should be known that after 35 years of age fertility decreases naturally at an accelerated rate, and the diagnosis of infertility is only after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts, John Boleac, primary obstetrician-gynecologist.

The Gynera clinic specialists, who have made over 5. 000 thousand assisted reproductive procedures, analyzed the phenomenon of infertility, and concluded that in 30 percent of cases, women accounted for their blame, another 30 percent of men, and in 20 percent of cases both partners had problems. There remains a figure of 20 percent where the diagnosis is infertility of unknown cause. Depends on age, genetic heritage, lifestyle. The younger the patient, the chances of success are greater, especially if he / she has a healthy lifestyle.

Basically, after three IVF procedures, pregnancy is obtained in approximately 80% of cases of unknown cause infertility in patients under 40 years of age. After 40 years, over 90% of eggs have genetic defects and the chances of success are greatly reduced, Dorina Codreanu, primary obstetrician-gynecologist, with IVF overspecialization. Unbalanced lifestyle is one of the factors inherited for the occurrence of infertility in the couple. Stesel keeps us away from heirs Obesity, stress and unbalanced diet greatly decrease the chances of procreation. In addition, a quarter of the patients smoke and are not willing to give up this extremely harmful habit.

Also, smoking affects both the ability to get pregnancy and the task of maintaining pregnancy. The higher the number of cigarettes, the stronger the effects. Therefore, it is very important for patients to understand that they can help themselves. We have people whose fertility has improved considerably by quitting smoking, Doctors report another worrying phenomenon: ovarian failure. Many of the patients are confronted with the excessive reduction in the number of eggs after 30 years, and the ovarian reserve does not correspond to their age but to a much older person.

These phenomena affect both the natural fertility and the chances of success of the fertilization treatments. The transition to menopause begins 30 years before, without any symptoms, and menopause can be prematurely installed before 40-45 years. That is why campaigns supported to prevent this phenomenon included the AMH test, which can provide indications about ovarian reserve. Extremely important are the correct treatment of genital infections, so the chances of getting a pregnancy are not compromised in the long term. Left untreated or untreated, these conditions decrease the chances of getting a pregnancy, but can also affect the progress of a pregnancy.

It should be known that an episode of addiction leads to chronic infection that affects anatomy of the tube and ovary. Therefore, pelvic inflammatory disease should be taken seriously and properly treated without sexual intercourse during this period In the case of patients with polycystic ovaries, the family doctor has a very important role. It is a complex metabolic disease, and in that patient the risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease at relatively young age (45-55 years) is significantly increased. Therefore, these patients should be promptly directed to the gynecologist, endocrinologist and nutritionist who will jointly explain the need for a change in lifestyle and recommend appropriate treatments. Sometimes contraceptives are recommended, but they do not treat the cause but only regulate menstruation.

In addition, contraceptives should not be taken in the long term because some studies show that over time the ovarian reserve decreases and leads to earlier menopause, If in men in Romania infertility causes are similar to those in other countries, in women, physicians have found a higher incidence of genital inflammatory sequelae due to unpublished sexually transmitted diseases, uterine curettage, or endometriosis. And the presence of fibroids can be a cause of infertility. Thus, by palpation of the tumor, either in the wall of the uterus or outside, the physician can detect the type of fibroma, its volume and positioning. Fibroids that affect fertility and reduce the chances of implantation are those that develop into the uterine cavity, called submucosal fibroids. If they are fully developed in the uterine cavity, fibroids can act as a sterile, thus lowering the chances of getting pregnant, How to Investigate Infertility In order to encourage people to assess their fertility in a timely manner, Gynera Clinic doctors start a campaign of awareness and help for people who want their children - One in 5 couples has difficulty in conceiving a child, most often without expecting and without having known medical problems.

Experts in the treatment of infertility recommend firstly annual gynecological control, an absolutely mandatory medical act in the life of any woman who wants to maintain optimal fertility rates. In the ultrasound, the appearance of the ovaries can be observed and can be determined by the number of antral follicles, aspects relevant to the evaluation of fertility. Irina Oproiu, obstetrician-gynecology specialist with FIV over-specialization. Patients who have not yet investigated their fertility problems but also those who have unsuccessfully attempted treatments or reproductive techniques have the opportunity in March to benefit from the expertise of professionals. Every patient who first comes to the clinic in March will have the chance to discuss with a specialist in reproductive techniques in a $ 350 consultation but given free.

The consultation includes ultrasonographic evaluation of reproductive apparatus and ovarian reserve, as well as advice on risk factors, lifestyle and steps to be taken, depending on the particular situation of each case. .

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