There are several types of scoliosis: - it is caused by an abnormality of bones present at birth. Neuromuscular scoliosis - is a result of abnormal muscles and nerves. It is usually present in people with or cerebral palsy. - is the most common type of scoliosis, this type does not have a specific cause. Girls are more affected by scoliosis. Often, the disease occurs in puberty, over 90% of cases (ideopathic scoliosis).
The remaining 10% have causes such as: congenital, muscular dystrophy, Marfan's disease,. The clinical examination is appropriate to take place from the birth of a child precisely in order to detect, for example, certain congenital forms with vertebral deformities. The child will then be examined by the pediatrician at the beginning of the kindergarten or school. Also, it is extremely important to examine the child by parents who can easily detect any deformity that occurs in the spine and the chest. The first signs that a child has scoliosis are unequal shoulders, uneven waist or inclination to one side of the body.
If scoliosis is suspected, it is recommended to perform a confirmation. With this, the doctor will be able to assess the severity of the scoliosis and possible risks that may worsen. After these investigations, your doctor will recommend the most appropriate treatment. • Most teenagers who have a type of scoliosis that is not very serious can get an indication of using a. This is the standard treatment for adolescents who have a spinal curvature between 25 and 40 degrees, with the aim of temporarily correcting.
• Patients who have a spine curve of 50 degrees or more may be undergoing surgery. The operation for scoliosis involves vertebral joining, a process called spinal fusion. • it is very important for strengthening the muscles and can really help patients with scoliosis. At the same time swimming and especially hydrokinetotherapy are very often used in the recovery of scoliosis. Exercises in the pool are effective for any age and any type of scoliosis.
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