Causes that cause tachycardia

Causes that cause tachycardia
Causes that cause tachycardia

Sometimes it may be asymptomatic and a person may find that they are suffering from this medical problem during a physical examination or a test such as an electrocardiogram. However, there are patients with the following symptoms: • Dizziness • Sudden weakness • Increased pulse • Chest pain •. • Heart tissue damage due to a heart disease • Abnormal electrical pathways in the heart at birth (congenital) • Diseases: • Valvular heart disease • Tumors or infections • Congenital heart abnormalities • Anemia • Exercise; . Several medical exams are required to diagnose and establish the type of tachycardia. The main investigation is represented. There are other tests that the cardiologist can recommend: the electrophysiological test to confirm the diagnosis or to identify the heart rate location or the inclined table test.

Tachycardia can be remedied in mild cases and without medication, but there are also situations where rapid heart beat should be controlled. On the other hand, there are cases where tachycardia may be the result of an already existing disease in the body, such as hyperthyroidism or certain. In these cases, the treatment will consist of minimizing the diseases that cause the episodes of tachycardia. The main therapeutic methods of slowing heart rate are vaginal maneuvers, anti-arrhythmic drug therapy or shock waves due to patches attached to the chest. It is also underlined that, in some patients, tachycardia may cause an increased risk of developing a heart attack or.

In this situation, the doctor will prescribe blood thinning medications to reduce the risk of clotting. The best way to prevent tachycardia is to reduce the risk of developing this disease. If you have already been diagnosed, you must follow the prescribed treatment and go to regular monitoring checks. It is advisable to do and adhere to a healthy lifestyle, alongside a diet without excess, low fat, rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, but also keeping your weight within normal limits. It is also important to monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol regularly with both medication and lifestyle modification, such as quitting smoking and reducing coffee consumption.

As much as possible, lower the level of your daily life. .

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