Charisma is not a genetic feature.

Charisma is not a genetic feature.
Charisma is not a genetic feature.

You certainly know that kind of people who can do absolutely anything to look interesting. Whether you are friends, colleagues or simple knowledge, they manage to conquer each time with their energy. According to psychologists, charisma is not a genetic trait and can be cultivated with a few habits, busts. com # Make others feel important The habit of making people around you feel heard, understood and worthy of your time is the key ingredient you need to conquer. # I do my best to keep the name of the interlocutor A specific thing for charismatic people is that they remember to remember the name of the interlocutor. Studies show that hearing the name affects our brain, even when talking in a noisy room, writes Forbes.

People who hear their names pay more attention to the speaker. # Transmit confidence when compliments When a charismatic person compliments you, they always do it with great conviction. # You are reading happiness on the face It is easy to enjoy yourself when you are always friendly and approachable. Remember to smile every time. Research shows that the smile not only makes you more appealing to others but it can lift your mood.

# I say the most charming stories Without boasting, they draw your attention and amuse you with the happenings they relate, # Gestures Research shows that gestures are perceived as more enjoyable, warm and energetic, according to Forbes. Information is not transmitted only orally, gestures can speak for itself. # I never talk badly to others I do not think you've ever heard a person you think charismatic by saying bad. Even when they have something to object to, they do so in a constructive way, taking care to make it more encouraging. In fact, researchers have found that people who look at things positively tend to be described by their colleagues as more enthusiastic and happy.


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