Cheats for a beautiful skin in the summer

Cheats for a beautiful skin in the summer
Cheats for a beautiful skin in the summer

• Pay attention to foot care. Besides the classic, especially in the summer to avoid cracking the heels, you can ask for help. Depending on the type of skin and any problems you may have, it may prescribe a urea cream. These creams usually contribute to smoothing. • Sunscreen. Sun protection you need every day, whether or not strong sun, summer or winter.

Many moisturizing creams contain, and the most recommended are those that have a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. To be sure, read carefully the label of sunscreen ingredients. They must contain agents that block both UVA and UVB rays. Apply sunscreen cream to your entire body, including lips, because they are vulnerable and at risk of developing. Pay attention, apply the cream regularly after swimming or after sweating.

Even if it is cloudy, it can get on your skin, so it is necessary to protect yourself even in days without bright sunshine. In addition, many makeup and makeup products contain an SPF agent, but it would be recommended to choose those that have a value greater than 15. • Beneficial baths for the skin. You can add some mineral salts envelopes to water. Subsequently, apply a special cream on the body, but also its hydration.

Also indicated are natural oils. • Exfoliating the skin at home. It is recommended that at least once a week you will remove the dead cells and stimulate the natural regeneration process. Dry skin is exfoliated once a week, fatty skin, twice a week. • Do not overdo anti-acne products.

Specialists warn that if they are used in excess, they can aggress and. • Quit smoking. It is known that one of the unwanted effects of this vice is aging and aging. • Adopt a balanced diet. For healthy skin it is advisable to consume as many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Diet is just as important as local care with special creams. • Hydrate properly! . If you are an active person, then you have to drink at least eight glasses of water within a day. .

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