Childhood anger access - how do we handle them?

Childhood anger access - how do we handle them?
Childhood anger access - how do we handle them?

Children who have anger can manifest themselves in different ways: they scream, kick their fingers and legs, they break down to the ground, run away from their parents, break things or hold their breath. Most of the time, this happens in public, when the little one does not get what he wants. If he is tired, he or she will want attention or be hungry, become frustrated and start making crises. If other problems are encountered, such as lack of sleep, it is advisable to consult a family doctor or a family doctor, especially if these tantras are found in children older than 4 years. Studies show that rage access has two major components: anger, which predominates in the first part of the crisis, and suffering or distress that is constant throughout access. The fact that a tantrum ends with crying and not with anger is because the cry of the children provokes the parent's desire to provide comfort.

Children with high frequency crises are the most problematic and need specialized help. Possible medical causes: • Anxiety disorders • Depression • ADHD • Other neurodevelopmental disorders • Other medical conditions that may cause discomfort or pain. The first step in managing crises in children is to identify the situations that triggered tantrum. Most often, children have anger, in public, at shopping, or during family meals and visits. One way to manage these tantras is to make sure the parent is tired and well nourished before going out with him.

It is also important to have a routine in the child's schedule. It should be accustomed to small with about the same hours and meals every day. It is also extremely important to keep in mind the safety of children during a crisis due to the lack of impulse control. A crisis must be seen as a storm. Let's look for shelter and safety until the storm passes, then we look to see what produced it.

A parent must always be careful about his child's needs and feelings. If he is about to have a crisis, he will have to try to attract his attention with another activity and to offer him alternatives. At the same time, they have to keep calm and try not to get angry because the baby will get more agitated and this is not a solution. In addition, the child will need to be notified at least five minutes before the parent wants to do something or when he wants him to stop working. Moreover, the child needs to feel that he can make decisions by himself, even if they are insignificant choices.

If the baby is in the midst of a crisis, it must be awaited until he / she calms down alone. At this point, discussions with little and distraction will not work. Experts say that during a crisis, the emotions of the child are distracting and do not take into account the frontal area of ​​the brain, the one dealing with the judgment. Therefore, the parent must ignore his behavior until the child is calm; . Another solution would be to isolate the baby in another room for a few minutes to calm yourself.

The father must not speak at all with the little one at this time. Within a few minutes the baby will be more calm and may even apologize. Moreover, you should never be rewarded with anger, and you do not have to like it if it refuses to do something or if it wants at any price a certain object that you may miss at the moment. After the baby has settled down, then one has to explain to him calmly that he understands his frustrations, but he does not have to behave violently. One important thing in managing the child's anger access is, not physical punishment.

Falling or hitting the baby is not a solution to control her crises, but will result in even worse behaviors as the child ages. This is because parents' actions are an example for the child, and he will understand that it is okay to be violent. A final step in tantrum management would be rewarding the child's proper behavior. When he succeeds in overcoming frustration and calm down quickly or understands that what he does is not good, the child must be praised and his behavior must be rewarded. The child should be helped to learn new skills and succeed.

The parent must be proud of his child or when he succeeds, even if it is a simple thing, and must teach him and be proud of what he can do. Last but not least, parents need to understand that everything can be solved by patience and communication. Even if the child's platitudes induce some parents, they must not give up the pressure. Parents should try to communicate with him after he has quiet, trying to find out the reason for the crisis and to understand his frustrations and feelings. He has to talk to him beautifully and the parent must allow him to express himself, but not by violent methods.

However, if the infant's access to anger does not improve along the way, but becomes more and more violent, it is advisable to visit a specialist. .

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