Children younger than one year should be careful of air conditioning!

Children younger than one year should be careful of air conditioning!
Children younger than one year should be careful of air conditioning!

Do not expose children younger than 1 year to air conditioning, it is the advice of allergologists. This is because the appliances discharge air into mildew. And against them there are no standardized preparations useful in therapy. The immune system develops over time until the age of five. It has TH1-type cells that fight infections. TH2 cells in turn promote allergies.

And naive cells, their parents, who differentiate themselves in such cells, if they differentiate more to TH1 will not do asthma, if they differentiate themselves from TH 2, proliferate allergy antibodies, they will do asthma, Dr. . Ioan Iamandescu, primary allergy physician. The advice of physicians is to avoid excessive hygiene in the small ones to stimulate their body's ability to defend. It is also useful if you take them to rural areas and let them walk on the ground.

It is also important to stay close to domestic animals. Dr. . Ioan Iamandescu, primary allergy physician. Avoid air conditioning if you want to stimulate your child's immune system.

Air conditioning is irritating to the respiratory device. Brânduşa Petruţescu, primary allergy physician. The air conditioner is frequently cleaned with chlorine-based products. If the baby develops an allergic reaction, the situation becomes difficult to control by immunotherapy. Brânduşa Petruţescu, primary allergy physician.

This is because molds differ from one area to another and are difficult to isolate. At childhood, there is general caution. Do not smoke near the little ones! . Brânduşa Petruţescu, primary allergy physician. These precautions are also useful in adulthood.

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