Circles in children

Circles in children
Circles in children

Pigmentation under the eyes is commonly referred to as raccoon eyes. This area can appear as shades of blue, purple, brown or black, depending on the natural color of the skin, being common in adults, but can also appear in the case of children. Sometimes they can be confused with the shadows formed by puffy eyes or with some more withdrawn areas under the eyes, which develop as a natural part of the aging process. Article content\n \n \n . ro or from the SfatulMedicului mobile application (iOS, Android)\n . However, there can be signs of illness, fatigue or allergies and a big worry for parents is whether they will keep up as the child grows.

. The most common symptom in children is represented by discoloration or irregular pigmentation of the area under the eyes. In some rare situations, it may turn out to be a type of cancer known as , which is a malignant tumor that affects the sympathetic nerves. Babies and children can develop for the same reasons that adults do. The skin under the eyes is thin and sensitive, so their blood vessels are more visible, causing an irregular discoloration.

Dark circles under the baby's eyes can be caused by genetics, rubbing the eyes or fatigue. They may also develop a minor illness, such as a cold, flu or ear infection. Other causes of dark circles under a child's eyes include dehydration, snoring and injuries. different types of allergies (food, latex, detergent, cosmetics, metals, dyes), eczema, anemia (especially iron deficiency), sleep deprivation or excessive exposure to the sun. Type 1 - Pigmented circles are brown or black.

This condition, technically called idiopathic hyperchromia of the orbital ring, is caused by the hyperproduction of the skin of the eyelids, for congenital or acquired reasons. Eggplant circles are also favored by exposure to the sun, because of the melanin that gives the skin around the eyes a dark shade. They are more pronounced in children with darker skin. Type 2 - The vascular rings are blue, pink or purple. Its origin is a poor microcirculation of the eye contour that causes thinning and laxity of the skin.

These dark circles are more obvious in people with fair and fair skin. They are often based on (the release of histamines leads to the dilation of blood vessels), fatigue or diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by nasal congestion. \r\n\r\n. Pallor is a symptom that can accompany dark circles in iron-deficient children. It requires the skin to be lighter than normal and is, as a rule, the effect of an insufficient number of red blood cells in the body or an insufficient supply of blood and oxygen.

Nasal obstruction can cause dark circles because the vessels of the nose are directly connected to the vessels that irrigate the surface around the eyes. . Nasal congestion that occurs in the case of colds, allergies, ear or sinus infections, can cause dilation of the upstream vessels, which thus become visible in the form of dark circles. Abdominal pain and capricious appetite can accompany dark circles in children who have intestinal parasites. \r\n\r\n.

It is also useful to perform an ENT consultation that can highlight possible diseases that maintain nasal congestion and an allergy consultation that can highlight the allergen that can cause the appearance of dark circles. It is necessary to notify the doctor if the child has persistent dark circles, but especially if there are other symptoms such as prolonged fatigue, skin pallor, cold hands and/or feet, rapid breathing, tachycardia, behavioral problems, droopy eyelids, fever, loss of . In the absence of a diagnosis and adequate treatment, they could lead to some major complications, such as: the spread of the existing infection, anaphylaxis, hearing loss in the child, vision loss, developmental deficit. \r\n\r\n. Treatment at home:\r\n.

• Cucumber slices on the eyes are a well-known method to relax the area around the eyes and help fight dark circles. • Placing cold spoons over the child's eyes can help relieve fatigue. • Cotton balls soaked in cold water also work well in combating dark circles. • Gently massaging the child's eyelids when they are closed can help temporarily relieve stress. Nutritional supplements that may help: , such as spinach, can help increase iron levels in the body and, over time, fight dark circles caused by iron deficiency.

There are many ways to avoid the appearance of these dark circles. Some useful tips:\r\n. • Ensuring adequate sleep for the child's age. • Active lifestyle of the child with regular sports exercises. • Iron supplements and vitamin supplements can help ensure nutritional balance, which can help fight and avoid dark circles.

• Controlling exposure to mobile phones and televisions. • Limited exposure to the sun, with the prior use of an appropriate one. Circles in children are not a cause for serious concern, but there are cases in which their appearance may indicate an underlying health or lifestyle problem. Eliminating their cause is the best treatment. Depending on this aspect, antihistaminic treatment, avoidance of the food allergen or corticosteroid-based cream are indicated.

Even the smallest symptom can lead to some extreme consequences when left untreated. The circles could be completely harmless, but they could sometimes also be a sign of some serious conditions. Tell your doctor if your child has dark circles that do not disappear after about a week and if he has other symptoms. Bibliography:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n . .

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