Coffee, as pleasant as it is, is harmful.

Coffee, as pleasant as it is, is harmful.
Coffee, as pleasant as it is, is harmful.

Seeing is one of the most important senses, which is why you need to pay more attention to your cheeks so that you do not experience visual disturbances or worse, with blindness. # Coffee is good in the morning after taking your breakfast, its pleasant smell helps you prepare for a new day, but if you go over a cup a day and smoke more, these two tabiets will make an essential contribution to the gathering . Caffeine increases the risk of glaucoma The more coffee you drink and the harder it gets, the greater your risk of getting glaucoma. This aspect was observed and subsequently published in the journal This degenerative disease of the optic nerve in time will cause permanent loss of vision. Coffee is recognized for its taste, aroma, but it is also part of the boomerang effect. When consumed in excess, the negative effects are not delayed, especially because it makes vasoconstriction and thus will increase the blood pressure and especially the intraocular pressure.

If you are in the category of people with heart problems, it is best not to abuse coffee or tobacco. Smoking, the vice of most coffee consumers, may also be responsible for the loss of central vision, especially for people over the age of 50. In addition, it affects other organs including the lungs and blood vessels. .

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