• Inflammation in the leg. It is a bullet located at the base of the thumb that can grow with time and which can be painful, and due to the pressure or the patient already has, can lead in time to the instability of other joints in the foot. Anti-inflammatory drugs, bandages, special patches purchased from pharmacies, wider shoes and especially without heels can be of real use in such situations. When conservative treatments fail to alleviate the symptoms, the patient receives an indication. • Calluses. Strong pressure at the foot can cause a callus.
Usually occur in the foot and heel. There are situations in which the patient will either wear orthopedic footwear or will need surgery. • Guta. Its main features include redness, swelling, sudden pain and stiffness, most commonly seen in the thumb. Gout may also occur in the leg, ankle or knee.
Concretely, gout is the result of accumulation in large quantities of the body that will crystallize and cause pain. Acute attacks may last for days or weeks and gout treatment consists of oral anti-inflammatory drugs and / or oral cortisone injections. It is important to note that, untreated, gout may become chronic and may affect the joints to a point where surgery is inevitable. •. There are viral infections that develop certain growths on the soles of the feet.
As a rule, they can shrink from public pools or showers. They are often painful and, although harmless, their treatment is recommended. Laser therapy and surgical removal are more aggressive options that are rarely achieved. • The athlete's foot. It is a fungal infection that can cause redness, burns.
The Athlete's foot may be contagious, especially if you often go to places at risk such as swimming pools or swimming pools not properly fitted. The treatment includes antifungal lotions or oral medications for more severe cases. • Nail fungal infection. If it is untreated, it can spread to other nails. The treatment consists of the application of topical antifungal creams, the administration of oral or oral antifungal drugs.
• Ingrown fingernail. The main causes are wearing too tight shoes and cutting nails too much. Most of the time, surgery is required to remove the nail side, either temporarily or permanently. •. This condition is characterized by the foot soles coming in full or almost complete contact with the soil.
This condition can be caused by genetic factors or may be caused by another condition, such as posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. The treatment includes support shoes and in case of progressive symptomatology, surgical correction. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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