Dental - what is important and how we use it properly

Dental - what is important and how we use it properly
Dental - what is important and how we use it properly

Many people believe that a correct and sufficient dental hygiene to have good oral health means to brush your teeth twice a day and rinse with mouthwash. Dental floss, a very useful tool for preventing cavity and its complications, gingivitis and periodontitis, is either forgotten or misused, rarely or not at all. Ms. Mihaela Dan, orthodontic specialist at Orto-Implant Clinic, explains the role of dental floss and why it is important to include it in the daily oral care routine. Using dental floss is a step for completing a good oral hygiene because the brush can not penetrate the teeth, which means that 30% of the dental surfaces will remain unclean. In the absence of the use of dental floss, these areas accumulate the bacterial plaque and thus appear interdental caries, which slowly dissipate and sometimes become visible when it is already late.

In addition, bacterial plaque accumulation also produces tartar, gingivitis and periodontitis. \. \. Even children should get used to a proper oral care routine and start using dental floss as soon as teeth begin to touch each other - to prevent plaque buildup and blockage of food stuffs between teeth and gums. There is a thinner or thicker tooth, waxed or unchecked, mentholic or aromatic, and for dental or dental carriers there is a special thread.

So regardless of the special situation we are in, there is no excuse to skip this step, \. Correct cleaning technique The first step in the use of dental floss is to cut a piece of about 1 m, after which both ends of the hairline wrap around the middle toes; . Using the index finger and the thumb push it gently between the teeth, making sure the gum is not traumatized. The goal is to clean the interdental surfaces, not the gums. In the space between the teeth, it runs along each side of the tooth, giving it the shape of the letter C (embracing the tooth); .

Then clean the opposite surface of the adjacent tooth. The used wraps on one of the fingers and moves from the opposite finger to the clean, to use in the next interdental space. Regarding the correct order of use - the brush and then the dental or the reverse - there are theories with valid arguments for both variants. \. Possible Mistakes in Using Dental Floss Dental floss is essential to having a healthy teeth, misuse of it may mean incomplete oral hygiene or, worse, can injure the gums.

Here are a few mistakes that should be avoided: Using dental floss too rarely. The optimum frequency is 2 times a day, especially in the evening before bedtime, so as not to let the bacteria on the plate increase overnight. Not all dental surfaces are cleaned. From rush or convenience, sometimes the surfaces behind the last teeth are neglected, or each of the two facets facing each other is not cleaned between the two teeth in each group. Using too much pressure.

If you press too hard, this does not mean that dental floss will be more effective; . Therefore, an oral care routine that does not include dental floss means a tooth-cleaning only on the surface, favoring the development of dental problems. Instead, using dental floss at an early age will prolong the life of your teeth and relieve painful and costly complications. .

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