Desired realization

Desired realization
Desired realization

Wanting something with your mind is not the same as wanting with your heart. That is why, most of the times the wishes of the head are not fulfilled or hardly fulfilled. indoor photo and front page: Warunya Ngamcharoen Shutterstock The minds that come from our mind are connected with our ego with a state of fear, lack or frustration. Hence the attachment to the result, and that distrust and restlessness will be accomplished. Desires that start from the mind may also be the result of not feeling good enough or valuable or comparing us with others. I met years ago a person who, despite the fact that she had a beautiful life lacking in health, abundance of money, friendship, successful career, was unhappy.

He compares his income with that of the millionaire in Euro and feels poor compared to him. Visa one day to have a seven-digit bank account. Desires from the heart make us connect with our divine self and with our gifts. Most of the time, we transced our personal good (even if we do not realize it) and lead to the good of a larger mass of people. An example of this is the artists and athletes who build their lives around their skills and which, through what they create or results, inspires millions of people.

Also in this category are those people who, without being necessarily public, make the world a better place regardless of their profession. Maybe they learned something, maybe they took care to get on time in one place or they just smiled when you needed them. A desire is like a balloon. It needs to be filled with air - read trust, just as much as needed and then let float in the air. As long as you hold the balloon tightly on your chest, trying to control your trajectory, it will not be able to rise.

Infuse him too much and break. Interact it - with doubt and attachment to the result, and it will deflate. The secret that your desire to fulfill is not at all that complicated. It is enough to connect with your heart, then express your desire in the universe knowing that it will manifest, give up any attachment and be patient. Sometimes it will take a day, another date maybe one year.

But in this period, he lives in joy so that at the end of each day he falls asleep smiling. .

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