Did your legs swell?

Did your legs swell?
Did your legs swell?

Symptoms are visible but ignored by many patients: swollen ankles, heavy legs, and hemorrhoids. Severe symptoms include: superficial and deep thrombophlebitis. When the venous blood can not be properly transported to the heart, because the venous valves do not close well and stop the blood coming back, leg problems occur: tingling, pain or even ulceration. The first manifestations are often aesthetic: swollen veins that emerge from the skin and change the color of the skin in the area of ​​the calf but in the absence of proper treatment, serious conditions such as varicose ulcers, venous thrombosis and. • the state for long standing • climatic changes (heat, atmospheric pressure, cold) • extended bed immobilization • pregnancy and • the use of oral contraceptives • obesity • the genetic heritage (between 50% and . Treatment of venous insufficiency depends on age, general health status, extent of disease, tolerance for certain drugs, procedures or therapies, signs and symptoms.

If the condition is already chronic, the treatment is complex and depends on the stage of the clinical manifestations. In the early stages, preventive measures, such as avoiding risk factors and applying local treatments, can significantly slow the progression of the disease. At the same time, there are conservative, non-surgical methods that can stop the disease, and it is sometimes possible to ameliorate the sufferings of the patient and surgical methods, or laser surgery. The most well-known and used method is compressive treatment using, medicinal, which can be bought from pharmacies. • Choose comfortable boots with a medium or small holster • Practice daily and try swimming and cycling • Sleep with the raised calves at 5-15 cm from the rest of the body as it favors the venous return movement • Avoid standing foot .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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