Diseases that can hide behind the teeth

Diseases that can hide behind the teeth
Diseases that can hide behind the teeth

The mouth is small, well-recurrent, with a yellow or gray base and a red periphery. They occur in 25% of the population at least once during their lifetime at irregular intervals. In general, foot-and-mouth stomatitis occurs more frequently in women aged 10-40 years. Foot-and-mouth ulcers may be extremely upsetting because it generates pain during meals or even spoke. Sometimes a burning sensation may occur within hours or days before the lesions appear. According to the gastroenterologist, Elena Mushroom, the appearance of the afte can be determined by a number of factors.

Immunological anomalies: celiac disease (gluten intolerance) or alteration of the oral barrier by sodium lauryl sulfate present in dental products. Chronic trauma caused by certain dental work that does not fit; . 20% of patients with foot-and-mouth stomatitis have such deficits. Another cause may be the lack of vitamins B1, B2, B6; . 40% of patients have family history; .

The healing time and implicitly the resolution of the symptoms depend on the size of the snouts. Thus, minor teeth, less than 5 mm in diameter, heal in 1-3 weeks, while major aphids, over 6mm, can persist for months and may leave scars. Another type of oral ulcers occurring on the keratinized oral mucosal surfaces: gum, palatal tarsus, dorsal face of the tongue. They are usually small, 1-3 mm in diameter, appear in groups of tens of thousands of ulcers and resolve rapidly, If ulcers are frequent or persistent, a medical assessment is needed to identify the cause. This should include: Hemogram VSH Iron serum and ferritin Level of folic acid and vitamin B12 in serum Frotiu Tzank Viral culture Biopsy for non-healing solitary ulcers to exclude a malignant cause.

Biopsy of coexisting cutaneous lesions to exclude herpes simplex virus infection. Colonoscopy - when an inflammatory bowel disease is suspected. Screening tests for celiac disease, Ig A and Ig G tissue transglutaminase, eventual upper duodenal biopsy endoscopy II. The rules that we have to respect when we have First of all, it is advisable to use soft teeth brushes and avoid salty, crunchy or seasoned foods as well as acidic liquids to minimize the irritation of oral lesions. It is also advisable to use a fluid intake strap.

Also, dental work that causes chronic trauma should be reviewed. The use of chlorhexidine-containing mouthwash can help. If a particular medication is suspected as a cause of the aftershave, it should be replaced. Nicotine gum can be replaced with nicotine patches. If detected, vitamin deficits need to be corrected.

Multivitamin preparations with iron are recommended. Patients with celiac disease need to switch to a gluten-free diet; . It is also recommended to use dental products without sodium lauryl sulphate. In severe cases, systemic immunomodulators, azathioprine and thalidomide, and short systemic corticosteroids can be used .

Source : csid.ro

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