Do not ignore sudden weight loss

Do not ignore sudden weight loss
Do not ignore sudden weight loss

Diabetes. Insulin is the main hormone that plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates. If you suffer from, or you can not make insulin, or you can not use it properly. Insulin also has the role of stimulating the formation of glycogen from glucose - a process that keeps energy stored at the cellular level. In the absence of insulin and, implicitly, of blood glucose, the body will feel hungry and will start burning fat, and this will make you lose weight. Symptoms of diabetes include: thirst, and urinating sensation.

In this case it is recommended that you present yourself to your doctor. hyperthyroidism. One of the symptoms is weight loss, despite the normal, even high appetite. Symptoms also include. Your doctor may prescribe the necessary treatment.

Celiac disease. It is an autoimmune condition triggered by gluten intolerance, a protein found in wheat. When consuming such products, the immune system will have a defense reaction, causing weight loss. Symptoms include: joints, itching and skin. Beware, only the doctor can establish this diagnosis.

He will also prescribe appropriate treatment along with a diet. Certain medicines. Medicines used to treat certain conditions can accelerate your metabolism, so you can burn more calories. For example, antidepressants, chemotherapy, type 2 diabetes can lead to weight loss. Stress.

It is normal to lose a few pounds after a trauma, a stress such as a job loss or the death of someone dear. Addison's disease. In this situation, the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones, in particular. Its lack can cause gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Your doctor may prescribe medicines for cortisol replacement.

Cancer. When a person struggles with this disease, he can often lose weight. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Smoking is the main cause of this condition. Patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may have their body needing more calories to get enough oxygen for each breath.

The disease also presents other symptoms such as fatigue and lack of appetite, which can cause weight loss. Heart failure. If the heart muscle does not pump the amount of blood needed by the body, then the digestive system will not work in normal parameters. This can make you feel full even when you have not eaten. Dementia.

This affection can diminish the ability of thinking and memorizing. Therefore, patients suffering from dementia can lose weight because they often forget they ate. .

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