Do you have a furnace?

Do you have a furnace?
Do you have a furnace?

A furnace can break into the skin like a basket. As the infection progresses, furunculus can become loud and painful, then bacteria and dead epithelial cells accumulate under the skin, forming pus. The pressure caused by these build-ups increases, which leads to the bursting of the liquid-drain furnace. The greatest pain is felt just before the furunculus breaks and most often relieves it as it emptys the liquid. Also, the furnace grows very quickly in size, it can range from that of a pea, to that of a golf ball. Other symptoms that may accompany the furunculus are: tiredness, fever, pruritus, furnace.

Anything or fungus can cause a furunculus. The most common cause is bacterial infection, which is also known as staphylococcal infection. Gold staphylococci is normally found on people's skin, but the bacteria cause infection only if it enters the blood through an open wound, such as a cut or a scratch. Once the bacterium has entered the blood, the immune system will strive to eliminate it, the furunculus being basically the result of the leukocyte test to remove the infection from the body. Specifically, gold staphylococcus is the bacterium considered to be largely responsible for the appearance of furunculus.

The infection is favored by a defective immune system. And diabetes is guilty of their appearance, but also certain or anemia. Including synthetic clothes that irritate the skin can trigger the development of this infection. Also, transmission takes place through direct contact, ie if you have close physical contact with someone who already has a staphylococcal infection. The diagnosis is based on the clinical aspect that complements the positive bacteriological examination for Staphylococcus aureus and the presence of a non-specific inflammatory syndrome.

The treatment is prescribed only by the family doctor or the dermatologist and consists of antibiotic treatment with the role of acting on. If the patient is sick and fever is also prescribed anti-thermic. In most cases, the furunculus heals without medical intervention or complications. Thus, most of the times a furunculum passes in two weeks, but there are cases in which surgery is needed to open the affected portion of the infection in order to drain the pus. .

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