Do you have expired drugs?

Do you have expired drugs?
Do you have expired drugs?

Most people have pills and syrups in the house that have expired. Do not throw them into the garbage, the sink or the toilet. Such gestures are harmful to health, but also to the environment, because drugs are an important factor of pollution. Moreover, disposing of expired drugs is illegal. Medicines are produced with a special status, as they contain chemical active substances that have the role of preventing or treating affections. They can not be left to chance, and after they have expired, care must be taken to get them thrown away, as there is a risk of harmful effects, as well as water, populated in turn with living creatures.

Therefore, even if it is a simple solution, throwing pills or syrups into the toilet is not a good, nor healthy. The explanation is that some substances can decompose into water, being a safe source. Neither is it good to throw them away because it is possible for one or even the child to find and swallow them. Also, expired medications are dangerous if they are stored in the home because there is a risk that they may be swallowed by a child or an elderly person, and the side effects can be very serious. On the other hand, if they are thrown into the toilet bowl, expired drugs will definitely pollute the water they are spilling from the sewer network because the water treatment plants do not have the technology to filter.

The safest and most legitimate method is to take out medications to pharmacies that have contracts with specialized companies and will then deal with their destruction. Equally important is to always check the shelf life of your medications and not take them if they have expired. An expired drug will have a low or effective zero effectiveness. In addition, it will produce some undesirable side effects, such as headaches or allergic reactions. • It is best to go with the pills to.

Romanian Law (Order of the Ministry of Health Nr. 119/2014) provides that pharmacists and manufacturers surrender medication expired to specialized companies to destroy them without polluting the environment. • Destroy the pills by whipping them with a wooden hammer, then put them in a box that seals them very well with the adhesive tape and go to the garbage cloth. Do this so that no one can easily access the contents of the box. • Buy drugs only when you need it and only in the recommended amount.

Do not make pills and syrup in the house just to make sure that you have them in case of need, because the expiration risk is very high. Typically, the packaging of many drugs is also written off from its undesignation. In most cases it is 30 days after the package was opened. .

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