It is a complex condition characterized by the appearance on the skin of red spots caused by the passage of red blood cells into the dermis. Symptoms include frequent bleeding from the nose or gums. The disease can be diagnosed by blood tests, and depending on the outcome, the patient will be treated either by an internist or a hematologist. Women are more likely to be affected than men, especially young or middle-aged. The condition is characterized by the appearance of dark brown to dark brown spots, generally asymptomatic. They do not give itching or itching and are present on the face, cheeks and forehead.
Causes of melasma are not known, but the risk factors include: genetic factors, hormonal changes during pregnancy, contraception, or thyroid gland disorders. The treatment is long-lasting and is done only in the cabinet of the specialist dermatologist. At present, there are many procedures such as: microdermabrasion, superficial peeling, depigmentation mesotherapy. And home will continue treatment, but it is practical maintenance. People with these conditions will always use a high sun protection factor, 50 with UVA and UVB filters.
It is an inherited condition where there is an accumulation of iron in the body. Hemochromatosis is manifested by joint pain, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, abnormal skin coloring, abdominal pain. The condition can be genetic, and the symptoms occur around the age of 20, but it can also be acquired (it is found in patients with liver or diabetes, or in patients with cholecystitis. The patient's skin becomes darker. As a rule, such spots appear on the face, neck, hands, and initially yellow-brown, then turning gray-blue.
The diagnosis is made after laboratory tests have been carried out. The disease has a chronic evolution, and the life span is directly related to the disease condition at diagnosis. Treatment doubles the lifespan from the time of the diagnosis of certainty. It is estimated that 3% of the world's population is affected by vitiligo. Both women and men have the same risk of developing the disease, and in almost half of patients the onset is early, before the age of 20.
It is a skin and mucosal disease that is characterized by large, white spots. It occurs as a result of trauma, prolonged stress, or metabolic problems. Basically, however, the cause of this condition is the destruction of melanocytes, the cells that produce the brown pigment from the skin through several possible mechanisms. Currently, there are treatments that just keep the disease under control, but they can not cure it. Patients with vitiligo are advised to avoid physical trauma, which may lead to new vitiligo injuries where skin has been injured.
Avoid cuts, scratches, very tight clothes, jewelery and objects that produce. Photoprotection is also indicated because the skin affected by vitiligo can not be tan. • Dysfunction of the adrenal glands. Coffee-colored stains may appear from prolonged exposure to sunlight, but there are cases when they hide serious illnesses such as Addison's disease - a lack of adrenal glands, a rare condition. .
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