- rash, - eye irritation, - vomiting, abdominal cramps, - coughing, - sneezing, - breathing problems, - irregular heartbeat, - unconsciousness, -. Edem Quincke. It is a severe form of urticaria, manifested by the swelling of certain areas of the body, including the face. In rare cases, it can suppress breathing, requiring emergency medical intervention. anaphylaxis. It is manifested by a sudden and persistent drop in blood pressure.
The difficulty of breathing occurs due to swelling of some throat tissue - pharyngeal edema. Drugs that cause the most allergies: - antibiotics such as penicillin and sulfur, - acetylsalicylic acid, - - anticonvulsants, - medicines used in monoclonal antibody therapy, - medicines for. Medicines that can cause anaphylactic shock: - morphine, - acetylsalicylic acid, - some chemotherapy drugs, - dyes used in some. The way in which you get an allergy to drugs depends on how severe it is. First, the drug should be avoided and replaced with another in which the patient is not allergic.
If allergy is mild, your doctor may prescribe other medicines to control the allergic reaction. Medicines that can help block immune response and reduce symptoms include: Antihistamines. The body produces histamine when it thinks a substance, such as an allergen, is invasive. Release can trigger allergic symptoms such as swelling of the face and limbs, itching or irritation. corticosteroids.
An allergy to drugs can cause swelling in the airways. Corticosteroids can help reduce the inflammation that causes these problems. They are usually used either as a spray or as a liquid for injection or use in a nebulizer. Bronchodilators. If allergy to drugs causes wheezing or coughing, it may be recommended.
This medicine helps to open the airways and to ease breathing. Patients who have a known allergy to a drug should inform their doctor when they are prescribed a medicine. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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