Eight tricks to pick up the vibration of your house

Eight tricks to pick up the vibration of your house
Eight tricks to pick up the vibration of your house

Love your house if you want to feel comfortable in it, \. Although love is the greatest magician in our lives, here are eight other tricks that will help you turn your home into a home, a joyful sanctuary and positive energy, to come back with pleasure. indoor photo and home page: Evgeny Atamanenko, Shutterstock1. Burn salvationI confess I like the sage smell. Salvia is not just wonderful in the food. It can help you lift the vibration of your home.

The smoke resulting from salvation burns the positive energy in your home. Then fire the sage leaves and then walk around with them through all the rooms. An alternative to sage is incense. Get rid of the things you never use before Christmas I started cleaning up drawers and shelves and getting rid of the useless stuff. Suddenly, the house became brighter and the atmosphere more pleasant.

Use a Himalayan salt lamp The Himalayan Salt is one of the purest salts available on the market. Not only is it incredibly healthy for your body but the lamp is clean and eliminates odors in the house air. It also generates negative ion particles that annihilate positive ions in your home that you do not need. Singing cheerful songs You do not have to be Adele to do that. Just do not focus on your voice and the joy that it gives you the action of singing yourself.

This process deases you and brings positive vibrations to your home. MeditateThe Meditation is a great way to invite positive energy into your home. If you meditate for a while, continue. If you just start, go to YouTube and find the meditation practice that suits you. Use Essential Oils Essential oils are amongst the best-kept secrets around for increased vibration.

You can choose from a variety of flavors. For example, essential lavender oil helps open the heart. Cultivate plants in potsPlanets are commonly used in Feng Shui practice as it cleans energy and air in the house. Avoid plants with sharp and thin leaves. Open the blinds and curtains.

Let the sun slip into your house by opening the blinds or pulling the curtains. When you fill your space with sunlight and fresh air, it allows natural energy to penetrate inside your space. Window opening also helps with air circulation and removal of negative energies. .

Source : kudika.ro

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