Essential Information about Sexual Life

Essential Information about Sexual Life
Essential Information about Sexual Life

If a woman has one during the ovulation period, there is a great chance she will become pregnant. Usually, ovulation is cyclic, occurs on the 14th day of menstruation, but differs greatly from one woman to another. It is worth pointing out that although the ovum released from the ovary is only 12-24 hours workable, the sperm are more resistant, meaning they can live in the cervix for 3-5 days. This explains why it begins four days before ovulation and ends two days afterwards. If during this time a spermatozoid manages to fertilize the egg, it is likely that a pregnancy will occur. The fertilized egg or zygote travels from the uterus to a journey that lasts between 3 and 7 days, during which time it will divide into 16 identical cells.

Subsequently, he will become blastocyst. • Breasts grow in size and are stronger. Hormonal changes that occur immediately after conception lead to a severe congestion of the breasts. • Headaches. • Preference for certain foods and aversion to others that were previously consumed without any problems.

Immediately after conception, there is a need to go as often as possible, including at night, to the toilet. • Fatigue and constant drowsiness are two other signs that tell the possibility of a pregnancy. Certain hormonal changes, namely increase in progesterone, may result in an increased abdominal discomfort manifested by bloating. • The delay of menstruation is the most conclusive sign of a pregnancy, but this is only confirmed by the checkup performed by the gynecologist. • Condom is usually the first choice of couples who do not want children for a certain amount of time.

• is a small, copper-based or hormone-based device that can be fitted by the gynecologist only after performing some analyzes. It has a protection of over 97%. Another benefit of this method is that it does not increase the weight of the woman. • The vaginal ring, a method that has been present for several years in Romania and which is based on hormones - progesterone and estrogen. • they are also a method most often chosen by women.

But to make sure they do not have side effects or side effects, especially if you want to use them in the long term, you should consult your gynecologist. Only this one can recommend what type of contraceptive to use, following thorough investigations. • Vasectomy in men is the main permanent contraception method for men. The doctor cuts the two tubes called deferential vessels carrying the sperm from the testicles in some scrotum pockets that keep the sperm before the ejaculation. Vasectomy blocks the only ways that sperm can escape the male body.

The intervention precludes admission to hospital and is performed under anesthesia. .

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